Setting an intention for CHANGE

in #spiritweb4 years ago

My Vision is BIGGER than my MOMENT

Wise words echoed by Arfeen Khan, and amazing life coach.
When you have made your decision to change your life or mindset, often obstacles may stand in your way, especially your own mind. Your mind is usually the one obstacle that people cannot overcome.

No matter how hard or unimaginable the change may seem at first. The winning component is your mindset.

Fear of change is one of the factors that scare some of us the most. Fear of what people may think, or maybe even a legitimate fear may stand in our way.

One of the huge challenges that I have had to overcome in my life was fear. Fear of my ex, fear of what will be if I made this change. Fear of age, fear of NOT being good enough.

The problem with fear is that it is a trap for your mind and as long as you pay attention to that negative little voice that has prevented you from achieving your goals or life changes that you would like to achieve most of your life, you will never move forward.

You have to move from a place of fear to a place of "My VISION is bigger than my MOMENT". You have to understand and KNOW that you cannot continue the way you have been living. You have a vision for your future, and that VISION is bigger than this moment of FEAR or ANXIETY you are facing. Step into that place and GO!
