The Spirit Warrior Way in Today's World

The Spirit Warrior Way is needed in today's world more than ever. This morning I was on a talk show discussing what this path is, how it transforms humans into luminous beings, and how it brings peace to the world.

Show description:
The Yin and Yang duality of all creation defines our lives. Enlightenment does not occur by ignoring the dark, in favor of the light, but by integrating the truth and love from both polarities. To mature spiritually, we must see and be transformed by all of reality. Shamans, Masters and MystiYin Yang Phoenix and Dragon.jpgcs of ancient traditions had the wisdom to dance with their shadows, the courage to see all aspects of their natures, the beautiful and light, and the terrible and dark. The sacred calling of a Spirit Warrior is to transform dark into light, make the unconscious conscious. Total deep healing of your mind, soul and body can occur only when the split in your identity is merged. Arriale will discuss Shamanic Energy Medicine tools of working with the forces of Light, for transformation, healing, and protection from intrusive dark forces, while you are on your hero’s journey.