Seeing the Way

Hello my friends,

Think about your eyes for a moment, like little lamps inside you. These "lamps" help you see the world around you. But they do more than that.

When your eyes are like healthy, bright lamps, it means you see things with kindness and goodness. You make good choices, and your heart feels warm and happy.

But sometimes, our lamps can get a bit cloudy. Maybe we start wanting things we don't really need, or we get jealous of what others have. When this happens, it's like our lamps are dimmed, and our hearts don't feel as good.

So, what can we learn from this idea? Well, it's all about how we look at the world. If we try to see things with love, if we try to be good and kind, our inner lamps shine bright. But if we focus on wanting more and being jealous, our inner light gets dimmed.

Remember, we have control over how bright our inner lamps shine. Every day, we can choose to be kind, to do good things, and to see the world in a positive way. This way, our inner light can brighten our path and make the world a better place.