Top of the morning to fellow steemians, how have yah all been doing?

Just giving us a little exhortation from the word this morning from Nigeria.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14 (KJV)

In many of our lives, passion is often confused with the leading of God. We feel passionate about it, so we do it. We feel strong about a matter, so we say it. We are passionate about a cause, so we rally behind it. We are naturally passionate by nature and when our passion is strong, we can think that we have heard from the Lord and know exactly what to do. Thank God for passion, but it can bring disaster if we let it take the lead. Many have pursued career opportunities because they felt passionate about it, only to find that they didn’t enjoy it like they hoped.

While watching a truck stop in the road, a young girl noticed black smoke rising in the air. She said, “Look at all of that pollution and smoke. One day I’m going to do something about that.” She had discovered a passion within herself about a problem she wanted to help solve. Yes, she may very well put an end to pollution one day, or she may find that God has something else in mind for her to do.

There may be times when God may lead you to do something that you have zero passion for, but you will find that you enjoy it. He knows you best. So don’t let your passions lead you. Listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit in everything you do.