Destroy All Birds!
Today, I'm going to talk about birds. Yeah... BIRDS... Those little motherfuckers, that never really bother anyone. Except me!
Hey, I'm not saying I hate birds, because of some odd reason. I never really cared about those creatures. They always blend in with the nature and I never really notice them.
But this morning... I noticed them... I noticed ALL of them...
What do I mean by that? Well... Like usual, I wake up in the morning to perform a technique that could lead to lucid dreams.
I currently do SSILD technique. This technique requires me to fall asleep after I do it, because my senses are enhanced and it carries over to the dream world. This way I can become aware that I'm dreaming.
Anyway, as I was finished with the technique, I tried to fall asleep. Except... I COULDN'T.
Guess why? Because of those fucking birds. I have never heard more annoying birds making all kinds of noises... Loud noises.
I literally couldn't fall asleep for 3 hours, because of those birds. I heard like 20 different birds make noises outside and they wouldn't stop.
The fact that SSILD technique requires me to focus on what I see, HEAR and feel, might've made this happen. I'm not sure though.
When I was focusing on what I hear, I did actually focus on the bird noises. Maybe bringing my awareness to them was the worst idea ever?
Well, I doubt it, because they were incredibly loud and I'm not joking. It felt like I was in a jungle that's full of wild animals everywhere.
I was never bothered by bird noises, but hearing over 20 birds at once is definitely fucking annoying. ESPECIALLY when you're trying to fall asleep.
Plus, it's extremely hot outside, so I couldn't close the windows to block the sounds, or else I would die. I would literally die from the heat and that's not a joke either.
Yeah, what a great post this is!
I hope you enjoyed my incredibly informative post about birds. Spread this wonderful information to everyone.
Birds are fucking annoying.