So I want to talk to you today about a very interesting topic which was part of what came out of the work surrounding the Sovereign Human Matrix last year, of which I know many of you are waiting on. This is the idea of a different type of soul incarnating here on Earth, one is a human and the other being a non-human soul.
Now, first of all, let's just say there is none better than the other, however, human souls have been trapped here a very long time now, they are much less connected to their essence and true abilities than the non-human souls. If you take the theory of the soul mill to be true which I certainly do, we are being tricked by a false white light when we die, and then met with beings that masquerade as Jesus, Buddha, or whatever you believed in your physical life. These deceivers then send us on a guilt trip that 'we were nice, however, we hurt that person and that person' and thus 'giving us another chance' to come back down to Planet crazy to 'resolve our karma' where essentially we are being energy harvested in multiple ways!
Human souls have been tricked, and during these incarnations, they have been bombarded with mind control, rigid belief systems, generational traumas, and thus have become extremely disconnected to their essence. You only have to walk around your local town centre to see this to be true! These mind control techniques are all detailed in my book 'Are you Living Or Just Existing' (The link is below if you want to delve deeper).
Now a non-human soul is a soul that has come here specifically at this time to volunteer to help the Planet raise its vibration. Coming from a place of unconditional love for its galactic family it has chosen to help out. These can be known as the Indigos or Rainbow children. Now because they are much more connected to their essence many of them are still in touch with their abilities, these could be psychic, clairaudio, clairvisual, or just ultra sensitive and still very much connected to their heart.
Now the sad thing is because these souls are still very much essence connected, they pose a huge threat to this Matrix system of control and the interdimensional forces behind this 3D realm in 4D. They don't want beings connected to their heart and able to pierce the veil with their abilities so they are heavily targeted. Many of these non-human souls go through torturous lives.
'Birth bumping' is something that is going on, whereby the soul chooses its parents which best suit its incarnation in this lifetime, and as the soul is coming down it can be hijacked and 'bumped' into a completely dysfunctional family whereby these souls often experience abuse, physical or sexual, emotional abuse, and suppression, which completely takes them off their path. They then need to heal from this which can take years. Many times in the sessions I run, when I explain this some clients resonate and even tell me they never felt like they were born in the correct family.
They can often feel like everything they try there is always something that stops them, or gets in their way. Obstacles seem to be put in their path at every turn. We can also see this playing out in 3D and how fearful these controllers are of these souls because just look at the number of toxic vaccinations children are now required to have! I think in America its something like 62 by the age of 6! This is down to the fact that they KNOW these special souls are being born right now. More and more souls are coming here to help as the Planet reaches a critical stage.
The good news is I have also worked with many people, and know many others, who have experienced this first hand and yet still have battled through, healed themselves, and are not only back on their path, but stronger for the experiences they went through. I have seen the worst kind of abuse transcended. So if this story is similar to yours know that in a way this is all to keep you away from your POWER and your PURPOSE. Know that it is never too late and that you can overcome the darkest night of the soul!
My blogs this week
Enjoy your week ahead and take care
Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage
For session inquiries
Author of the book 'Are you living or just existing?'
Purchase via paperback/kindle/ebook at-
Great article Tony. Makes sense to me. I've always felt like I was not from here. That I didn't fit in, or was different somehow. I've had a strong sense that I came here to do something big, but was never sure what that was. I now feel like it is to help my family, friends, human family, etc to wake up and to help them get out of here. I hope I can. I don't relish the thought that my children and grandchildren could be caught in a perpetual loop.
I know we have to step up for the sake of the little ones for sure!
I know we have to
Step up for the sake of the
Little ones for sure!
- tonysayers33
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Very interesting article my friend! We all talk about spirit, soul etc. But what all these things are? Is soul a software, hardware or something like a packet of energy? I think we don't have answers yet. I have written on this subject in my facebook post but I know I know nothing about this subject. I want to know about everything but I have may limitation. Will you please elaborate all these things to me?
Thanks for the feedback my website explains all these things in greater detail.
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.
Do you even have a soul if you're a bot?