2 Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV)
14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
For those of us who will trust in Him, Jesus Christ will always bring us through in absolutely every situation, no matter what. He will never turn a deaf ear and will always make a way where there seems to be none.
You say, “Well, yea, but not always when and in the way I want him to.” You’re absolutely correct! The reason is because he knows the beginning from the end, and we don’t! We’re not supposed to know all the details, “the just shall live by faith (Heb 10:38).”
Christ gained the victory at the cross and was triumphant over the grave -- it simply could not hold the sinless Son of God. As a result the fragrance of Christ’s resurrection has spread throughout the ages and is just as sweet today as it was when sinners first sampled it on the Day of Pentecost and realized -- He’s alive! It’s the fragrance of death to the unrepentant, while at the same time the fragrance of eternal life to the spiritually hungry.
This fragrance is what draws men to Christ. But do we oft stop and think that we too give off the very same scent. That’s right, the Holy Spirit, diffuses it through our life to be sampled by those around us. And if we will lift Jesus up and exalt him, he will be able to draw men to himself.
I love the idea that God shares the process with us in that we get to witness and, He gets to save. We are truly a blessed, and a very special people in the earth …
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