Hebrews 10:25 (AMP)
25Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching.
The word church in the Greek is ekklēsia meaning “the called out ones,” those that have been called out of the world’s system (kingdom) and into the kingdom of God. Wherever Christians gather together is, from a biblical frame of reference, “church”.
You may attend a mega-church, a small house church, or just a gathering of two or more Christians who meet somewhere; anywhere. The point of this verse is to encourage us to keep on fellowshipping with believers to the end that we might be a blessing one to another.
After all there is only one true body (church) (Eph 4:4) in the earth and it is made up of true blood-bought believers, no matter where they fellowship. When we fellowship it allows us to build up, stir up, and cheer up each other in Christ. It’s our opportunity to learn to apply our spiritual gifts, allowing us to mature and to increase in the Spirit.
Oh, we can go it alone, so we won’t get hurt, but it gets a bit dry out there all alone. I know; I’ve done it for long periods of time more than once. Truth of the matter is that we grow spiritual muscle by exercising what the Holy Spirit teaches us, with one another, through fellowship.
This is not a “you must do this” verse. Grace alone is what saves us. It’s simply good sound biblical advise for us all. As always, we get to choose …