Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)
6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
Did you ever get to the place where you thought to yourself, “I’ll never be able to work out the emotional/spiritual bugs in my life.” You’re right! You won’t, because you can’t -- but the Holy Spirit can – and He will if we’ll simply ask believing. Sounds too easy, doesn’t it?
We all know that self-help programs really don’t work in terms of eliminating our problems. At best they can only keep us on the “wagon” which has been “life” to some. Many folks wouldn’t have made it as far as they have without that help. I am thankful for programs like Alcoholics Anonymous; Overeaters anonymous, Emotions Anonymous and the like. They have kept men and women alive and hopeful -- but there’s so much, much more in Christ…
The Holy Spirit brings us beyond what self-help programs, psychologists, psychiatrists and medications can do; He brings us out of our problems and into a complete, and lasting, victory. “If the Son makes you free you shall be free indeed (John 8:36)!”
Let’s choose to allow God the good work of emotional/spiritual restoration in our lives that our verse speaks of today -- and to bring it to completion. Help is only a prayer away. Ask and you shall receive (Matt 7:7-8). Rather than just leaning on the arm of flesh for our support, let us learn to rest in the everlasting arms of God (Duet 33:27), who will complete it in us.
Now, mind you, I’m not suggesting we will receive an instantaneous result when we pray in this way, but I can promise you that the work will have begun the instant we pray. Remember healing is a process; seedtime and harvest…!