It should come as no surprise that I completely disagree, you said as much in your opening line. Initially, I was looking forward to a rousing back-and-forth because people often just ignore the things they disagree with and you chose to interact instead, which I value.
You last line made me realize that we're coming from completely different understandings of reality, biology, and academic foundations of how the brain works.
females are instinctively hypergameous so it’s quite natural that at age 30 women can hit a crisis point where they feel an instinctive need to go get impregnated by the baddest boy possible
But then I read your attempted "edification:"
Men fuck around. They beat women. They are violent. And nature needs that, which is why women are attracted to that. ... Also women need to need men and need violent men to capture and “rape” them.
It seems we may be so far apart in fundamental assumptions about life that it would be difficult, if possible at all, to have a constructive conversation.