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RE: Change

in #spirituality7 years ago

Your image stopped me in my tracks in my feed.

I definitely need more ‘now’ based thinking as regards valuing life day to day rather than waiting for something.
We are very much trained to look to the future for our rewards:
religious ideas of heaven that’ll have your nose to the grind stone in this life for rewards in another lifetime; careers advisory sessions at school and all the teachers training your focus toward future rewards for hard work now so you’ll get thoroughly entrenched in the system that’s gonna milk you for taxes;
as a child, knowing your inequality and seeing all the rewards go to adults (freedom, money, the right to be correct/right about something, the right to a turn in the conversation, the right to be listened to and taken seriously, the myth that adults know better —> the promise of knowledge and wisdom). Knowing that your knowledge and wisdom (though often out of the box and profound and not schooled into the doldrums yet) have no value until you are an adult.

All this focussed is from you onto the present and away from the only time in which we can really act and live: NOW.