Aha, 'someone's got to start off the wierd discussion' - and who better than you! I love your experiences - they are strange, ethereal and quite mesmerising. I can't stand nights like that - they are just too much for me - paranormal sleep stuff freaks me out.
could it be a ghost dog? That's bizarre. I have had wierd ghost experiences in the UK but nowhere else. And often near bridges too, for some reason. There's got to be something in that.
I love me some River! Hehe
Ghost dog ... laughed so hard I have tears but because after reading that experience that’s what you got form it. You are cute!! Love mah River!!
It freaks me out too @riverflows (sad face) ha. I did wonder if it was not necessarily a spirit, but an energy imprint, like residual, because of the repetitive nature of the behaviour. But then i was like 70% sure that on Sunday I did see a wolf, and if that were the case it can't be a residual stamp per say because we don't have them here. So the next possibility I can come up with is maybe it's a message, the odd behaviour and timings are what have caught my attention, and when i did fully register that this was a bit strange, i then saw it for what it is. The brain makes sense of our surroundings all day long without us having any conscious awareness of it doing so. We think we are seeing everything as it is, but anything strange our brains can replace the image with one that makes more sense, so it occurred to me whether my brain was telling me it was a dog when it was a wolf all along, but that didnt make sense to my brain as they don't roam the Uk, so the brain decided it must be a dog! That would explain why on the second or third occasion i briefly thought it looked like a fox.......it's as though my mind filtered the incoming sensory information and gave me the image of the dog as that made the most sense, but there was a glitch where i briefly thought it was a fox.................until finally after really pondering how strange this seemed, opening the door the the idea that it's not normal possibly.........the brain goes oh...........she knows it's weird, we don't need to fix this, and then i just saw the wolf. I have refrained from searching online for wolf meanings because it's relative. I've decided to wait a week or so to see if i see it again, and then ill meditate to see what the message was.
But then again, could be just a friggin dog and I have way over analysed the whole thing!! ha. It happens!!
That is strange that you only see them in the UK...................i have no possible explanation .............i will think about it!