Transcript of the talk on Spiritual Protection and Psychic Self Defense I gave at BMSE in Minneapolis on Nov 3

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Arriale Starbird Shamanism Healing Spiritual Protection Psychic Self Defense Training.jpg

If you are interested in the Spiritual Protection and Psychic Self Defense Workshop, but missed the talk I gave on the subject, here is the transcript. Doesn't include Q & A that followed. I am figuring out how to upload the recording of the talk to youtube, so I may share that in the future, and that has the Q&A.

My name is Arriale Starbird. I am a Spiritual Counselor and Shamanic Energy Healer, and Past Life Regression Therapist. I’m also a Certified Yoga instructor. I’ve been in practice for over 14 yrs in New York, doing private sessions, mentoring and teaching. But the info I’ll be presenting here to you, I’m presenting for the first time.

I’ll start with this famous quote by Edmund Burke.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.

The Yin and Yang duality of all creation defines our lives. Enlightenment does not occur by ignoring the dark, in favor of the light, but by integrating the truth and love from both polarities. To mature spiritually, we must see and be transformed by all of reality. Shamans, Masters and Mystics of ancient traditions had the wisdom to dance with their shadows, the courage to see all aspects of their natures, the beautiful and light, and the terrible and dark. The sacred calling of a Spirit Warrior is to transform dark into light, make the unconscious conscious. Total deep healing of your mind, soul and body can occur only when the split in your identity is merged. What I teach and offer are the Shamanic Energy Medicine tools of working with the forces of Light, for transformation, healing, and protection from intrusive dark forces, while you are on your hero’s journey.

I want to make a distinction between a Light worker and Light Warrior. Both of these are higher frequency beings that came here to help humans bring this time of transition, from other planets or dimensions. But their work is different. I was born a Warrior, and all of my lessons and challenges have been to train me to be a successful strong Warrior, able to clear out the dark forces off this planet. I was raised in a Satanic Military cult, where I got to see and experience many forms of evil, and it was my job not to get co-opted by that darkness. To defeat the darkness inside myself and then in the outer world. I was born intuitive, and I have always seen light and dark entities, angels and demons, good and evil aspects of human beings.

However I have had light workers tell me, even ppl who have been in the field for over 30 or more yrs, that they don’t see anything negative. They only see light. Some say their job is to bring more light onto the planet, and to anchor that light. Thats a worthy cause. More ppl should do that. But as they do that, they shouldn’t bash the Light Warriors and tell them that they are unenlightened, because they work with the dark, and light. That is spiritual arrogance.

And there is a fine line between saying, ‘I just don’t see anything negative’ and saying ‘I don’t want to get involved.’ ‘Someone else should fix it.’ ‘I don’t know how’ ‘I’m too young, too old, not smart enough. I already have too much on my plate, etc’

So what is a Warrior? The opposite of that. A Warrior is someone who acts in the face of evil, even when its dangerous to their own life, in order to protect and aid the many and the innocent. For a Warrior, every day is a choice between an easy way and the right way. Even if the right way, is through the dark night of the soul, through death or hell. A Sprit Warrior is victorious despite the challenges.

Only the right way serves humanity as a whole. Only that way, will fulfill the deep calling of the soul for meaning, truth, and for service to that something sacred that is Greater than just oneself.

And so a Warrior is someone who follows a Great calling, someone who serves a Great Master, the Great Spirit, God. A Warrior is someone who serves a holy cause, a spiritual purpose, a sacred mission. For justice and freedom for all of humanity.

I’d like to ask each of you to think for a moment: have you been called to something greater, but you have not yet answered the call. Perhaps you are already on your way, but you are scared to take the next step. What did you dream about when you were a child? Was it something to do with helping humanity in a bigger way?
What would you do, if you weren’t afraid? And if money was not an issue?

I will give you some information that will help you to answer the call to do the deep inner work of a Spirit Warrior. Actually its work that all humans must do on our path of evolution. Everyone has to cultivate the power of a Spiritual Warrior, in order to succeed at life.

This Yin and Yang polarity exists at all levels of our reality.
Its the day and night, its the seasons.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to be alert and a time to dream.
A time to be logical and linear and a time to be intuitive and creative.
This corresponds with the parts of our mind and psychi, such as the conscious and unconscious.
And one of the most critical, life defining polarities: service to others and service to self.

Imagine if you will that the light and dark sides of this shape, are both divided into 2 parts, so there are actually 4 quadrants.

The light side consists of two parts:
1st) True love and light
2nd) False love and light

And the dark side of this shape is divided into 2 parts:
3rd) Mystical natural darkness, the unknown
4th) The false unknown. Dark force entities and various forms of evil that hide in the dark and spin lies

Human beings can be said to live, or ethically align, with one or more of these quadrants, based on their world view and level of awareness.

And there are also Extra Terrestrial and Extra Dimensional entities that align with these quadrants.

1st quadrant: True love and light
This is the home of
Ancient wisdom, Light force beings, such as Archangels, Angels, Light ETs, helpful compassionate beings from higher dimensions
This is the home of virtues, such as honor, respect, kindness, noble and right action
Positive religions and spiritual traditions take their root here
The reality of the physical world made manifest, with the use of intelligence, creativity, strength
Its the positive action applied in the real world
This is also basic goodness

2nd quadrant: False love and light
Home of ancient evil, dark force entities and energies pretending to be light, such as the infamous Lucifer from the Bible, a powerful Angel who fell into darkness but pretended to be light
These are the psychopaths, satanists, pedophiles using prestige, glamour, and power to hide behind
These are various elites who control by force, false religions, cults who promise salvation but only suck up money, or get everyone possessed or suicided
Its the various AI giants and AI prophets (such as google, FB, Youtube, etc ) acting like they are helping humans by creating platform for connecting and expression, but in fact they censor free speech, create division, and force ppl into information silos

3rd quadrant: The unknown. Mystical natural darkness,
This is the fertile dark earth, its full of nutrients, raw resources, its the womb that nurtures life
Its the creative chaos of potential
Its the psychological shadow that is bursting with energy that is creative but uncultivated
Its the peace and stillness of the night
Its the stark deep truth revealed in dreaming
It is actually what the search for the Holy Grail mythologically represents.
Its the fountain of youth, the source of the elixir of immortality
Its the treasure that is found, only by heroes who are willing to slay dragons
(The treasure in this case being the deep emotional riches and wisdom of experience found only by those who are willing to answer the call, and go into the unknown and do what no one else is willing to do)
Warriors, Mystics and Shamans are forged here, because this is the testing ground for inner strength, par excellence

4th quadrant: The false unknown. Dark force entities that hide in the dark and shadows, because they are hideous
They have no creative energy of their own, they have to vamparize it from someone else to exist
These are the Draco ETs, reptilian and other dark ETs, the demons, the dark AI, that use humans and this planet just as a resource
These entities are like a bottomless pit, no matter how much they take, it doesn’t make them better, it only makes them more dark, because they are not healing themselves or transforming themselves into light. They need a catalyst of change. It takes someone, such as a Shaman or a Light Warrior to transform these dark force entities and energies into light. And by doing so the Warrior gains experience, strength and wisdom, and is initiated into wisdom and mysteries, while these entities are transformed into pure energy of the universe.

This is the mystical path of the Spirit Warrior. To transform darkness into light. First inside of oneself, and then in the outer world. Once the battle is won inside one’s soul and mind, then it can be won externally. Sometimes an external battle is not even necessary once the internal one is finished, but sometimes it is. A Warrior should train and prepare for both.

Life is always this balance of inner work and outer work. The purpose of inner work, is to integrate quadrant 1 and 3. The true light and the mystical dark. The purpose of outer work, is to transform or banish the dark forces of quadrant 2 and 4.

This is the part that so many ppl are afraid to deal with. Yet they must deal with it, sooner or later. If they don’t, the dark force entities will take up residence in their lives. This is a fact.

I think Satanists and all these dark cult ppl, are actually warriors who got co-opted and dragged down into the dark realms. The dark forces particularly like to go and attack Warriors, and Shamans, because these are specifically wired to clear them out. Which is why these high frequency souls who come to this planet, to help humanity, often get hijacked and thrown into very dark families and circumstances. But for a Spirit Warrior, these dark experiences are just part of our training, something that makes us more knowledgeable and sharper Warriors. A Warrior sees every experience as a teacher. In reality there is no negative experience, or negative information. Through the heart, all experience and information must be transformed into wisdom, which is actionable knowledge.

So what I teach in my workshops are principles and methods to be able to do both inner and outer work. In reality I’ve been a Warrior my whole life. But a couple of decades ago I devoted myself completely to the Spiritual path. I studied with a Shamanic Exorcist for about 9 yrs. And I’ve had a lot of other training during that time as well, and after that. I’ve had a busy practice working with all kinds of cases, from ppl who had a few entities to ppl with 1000s of entities, and different types of dark force attachments.

I also teach Intuition and Psychic Development, because its imperative that you are able to see or at least feel what you’re dealing with, in order to practice Psychic Self Defense.

And Psychic Development must always be combined with Spiritual development, because people must use the information they get ethically and in a heart centered way.

The cabal is very much about opening the third eye, and utilizing psychically gleaned information. But they use it for selfish gain, and for control. So while they use it, they are telling everyone else thats hogwash and doesn’t exist. Because its in fact a very useful tool to gain knowledge of reality, and knowledge is power. They want to have that power and use it over others. This is why any person who is sincerely on a path of personal development, must be able to develop and cultivate their intuitive mind.

Some errors that I see ppl make:
Indiscriminate integration. People accepting anything and everything that comes along without, discernment, or prognosticating how this will affect them and society many yrs down the line. Lack of critical thinking or asking the right questions. They are wearing rose colored glasses and everything is great, and wonderful, and nothing bad is going on. Refusal to talk about the hard issues.

And the opposite, rejection of everything. There are ppl who think everything is fake and untrustworthy. They see all the bad things happening in the world, and perhaps correctly assess the badness of those things, but don’t get the lesson, don’t see the silver lining. To these ppl, there is no silver lining, there is no gift of the experience. And so they reject everything.

The first group tends to live in fantasy reality. The 2nd group is in depression. Both are very limited points of view.

When ppl are polarized like this, obviously they are divided. And this is exactly what the cabal wants, ppl divided in every way possible, by ideology, race, gender, class, economic status, and a myriad of trivial externalities that have no meaning ultimately. These are weapons of mass distraction.

I think its much more important what is the quality of a person’s soul, and what is their contribution to humanity, than all those superficial parameters.

Jesus Chris, as well as all the great Teachers of all times, have taught the middle way, or the golden mean, as its sometimes called. It’s about living in a balanced centered way, not going into extremes or polarities. It means integrating the right things, in the right way. But the idea is to integrate the lesson from all experiences in all quadrants. A person will be stuck wherever they are until they distill the lesson of the experience and are transformed by that experience for the better. Then they can move on.

Another error that I see is ppl assign qualities and powers to the dark forces which they don’t have. The cabal appropriates and integrates all sorts of things into their methodologies; they take from every religion, tradition, race, technology, philosophy, etc. Its like a dark version of Jeet Kune Do. For those who don’t know what Jeet Kune Do is, this is Bruce Lee’s martial art style. He believed in taking whatever works, from every thing, every tradition, every style, and making your own style.

The cabal does this, in a dark way, in that they take from everything, take the sacred out of it, and make it serve only their interests. For example, they weaponize words and concepts. And then when smart ppl find out that these are psyops, they tend to throw out the baby with the bath water. For example Hollywood uses the Hero’s Journey in every movie. But they didn’t create the hero’s journey. I think that evolved by itself. They just found out about it, and capitalize on that knowledge. So some people who have never heard of the Hero’s Journey, and have only seen it in its dark form and the abuse of it, erroneously conclude that its bad. Or the very idea of integration is bad. That we should all just be separate, that every person should have their own way of life, and not mix. But their idea of separateness is by superficial criteria, like gender, race, certain ideologies.

I see human beings on the planet as one body, consisting of many organs. Ppl will have their own unique way of life, but humans have to work together. The heart and liver and brain all have to work together for the body to be healthy.

The idea of transformation has been co-opted by cabal too; the Satanists have their own version of transformation, where through trauma they transform people into psychopaths, where they weren’t before. Its like 1984 where the meanings of words are changed to mean something different.

But instead of rejecting all these ideas and concepts, reject the weaponization of them. Find the good ones, transform them into light in your psyche, and then use them in service to good. This is a core aspect of the inner work of a Spirit Warrior.

It is also imperative that a Spirit Warrior learns to work with one’s Higher Power, Angels, Light ETs, and other helpful compassionate beings. An average person simply can’t win against the dark forces by their own power. You have to work with the Forces of Light and you have to be skilled at it.

In January, I’ll be teaching a weekend Workshop, where I will teach you everything that I learned from my mentors, teachers, shamans and skilled Warriors, to do inner and outer work.

Some things you’ll learn are:

Why trauma and dark force attachments always go hand in hand.
How to heal the trauma and how to clear these dark force attachments
What is soul loss and what is soul retrieval, which is a core aspect of Shamanic healing
How to work with your shadow, to do shadow integration. Why is it critical to live a balanced life. What happens when you don’t integrate your shadow, is we project it on others, and don’t even realize it. Also often ppl confuse their own shadow with external dark forces.
What are contracts, how to clear contracts we may have made with the dark forces.
How to connect more deeply with Your Higher Power, the Creator, Source, God, Universe, for clarity and guidance
How To work with Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Rafael and the whole Angelic realm to do clearings and cleansing of dark forces from your aura and chakras
How to Use Shamanic tools as part of your Spiritual practice of empowerment and protection
You will learn about Different types of negative entities and energies and how to transform or remove them from your self, or your space, or objects

If you are interested in attending this workshop, or scheduling a private session, please contact me. And I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

​To learn more about registering for the workshop, go here:

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