There was once a time when the spiritual and conscious community was vibrant with fresh new energy and ideas. People were truly seeking the truth. Shamanism has always appealed to me because its one of the ways to find The truth, through direct experience, not through something someone else said. If you have nothing else, no computer, no internet, no access to other humans, through ancient shamanic techniques you can 'journey' anywhere, see anything, gain information about anything. Well almost. There are some limitations.
After being in the spiritual community for a couple of decades and having traveled quite a bit, in the US and outside of the US, I have seen it change a lot.
A lot of people in the spiritual / conscious community have been totally indoctrinated by the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction ideology of ‘always being positive’. I’ve written multiple blogs and did multiple talk shows about it, and it seems that too much is not enough on this topic.
The Law of Attraction is loosely based on one of the Hermetic Principles. Not even all of them. It then took that one principle and twisted and changed it and created a hodge podge of ideas that came from the entity that calls itself Abraham, whom Esther Hicks channels. People miss entirely that this entity came from a Ouija board to her, when she was at a Ouija board seance. As far as I know, nothing good ever came through a Ouija board. Not once.
Based on my research, Hermetics is an ancient tradition, the understanding and application of which would lead to greater mastery of one’s life. At least that is the purported intent of the teachings.
Hermetics, The Kybalion, and Emerald Tablets of Thoth are three books that I know of, which people study when they want to understand Hermetics.
The Kybalion lists the seven hermetic principles as follows:
- The Principle of Mentalism
- The Principle of Correspondence
- The Principle of Vibration
- The Principle of Polarity
- The Principle of Rhythm
- The Principle of Cause and Effect
- The Principle of Gender
The Law of Attraction teachings, collectively, heavily lean on the 3rd principle of Vibration, and perhaps touch upon the others here and there, but twisted so much, that its an entirely different teaching. You would arrive at a very different end, if you followed all the teachings of the LOA to their natural conclusion vs Hermetical teachings.
As I see it, if something is true, it has always been true, its an ancient cosmic truth that sincere people simply have a resonance with or a knowing about, even without any special initiations into mystery schools.
Hermetics carries some of those seeds of truth. The Law of Attraction does as well. However like all effective Psy-ops, there is some truth and some lies and they are mixed together in such an artful way, that it may take lifetimes to detangle the two. And then you would've spent lifetimes detangling lies, instead of following your true spiritual purpose. And maybe thats the point of the psy-op.
Many of my friends have said things like, 'But if you focus on things, you do attract more of that.' Or 'If you believe, you will achieve.' None of that came from the Law of Attraction. These ideas are much older. See Hermetics (and common sense). But now so much of success oriented thinking is immediately associated with the Law of Attraction, and when I tell people the TLA is a psy-op, they immediately think that I'm telling them that somehow all the 'positive thinking' or striving for success is bad. The opposite is true.
The Law of Attraction in essence teaches people to only and always be positive, and never look at or think about anything negative. Anything that's uncomfortable, upsetting, scary, that takes you out of your bubble of bliss, is thus dubbed as negative and should be rejected. Abraham Hicks literally said not to look at information in the media that is about things in the world that are negative and if TVs didn't exist then people wouldn't know about those things (implying it would be best not to know.) In short, strive to have pleasure and avoid pain. Well animals and humans do that already on an instinctual primitive level. We don't need a spiritual guru to tell us that, nor is it a path to enlightenment. So what gives? Why stress that so much? What I figured out is that, Spiritual people naturally are service-to-others oriented, and the various psy-ops such as LOA, are there to convert these people to a service-to-self path, which in its extreme form, is what Satanism teaches. The dark forces usually won't come right up to a person and tell them to join a cult of ignorance and selfishness. But when its packaged as a path to enlightenment, with a seeming focus on Love and Light, then many bite hook line and sinker.
My conclusion is that if Hermetics was providing humans with some light on their path, the Law of Attraction teachings take away even the little bit that you had originally. At least that seems to be the intent. As with many psy-ops and cults, there is a bait-and-switch that happens. You are baited with universal truths, that feel right at a core level (Like if you believe in yourself you will succeed!), but as you progress thtough the ranks, or delve deeper into the teachings, the switch happens and you are told lies that will mislead you completely from finding the truth. But by then many are emotionally invested in the cult, they've spent years forming social ties with others who think the same way, etc. Makes it harder to leave.
For some people, to the degree that they already possessed the intuitive knowledge of some of these principles, that led them to adopt the Law of Attraction, as a whole.
But interestingly, for others, to the degree that they already possessed the intuitive knowledge of some of these principles, (or book knowledge) it made them reject The Law of Attraction as a whole, because they saw that the rest is bs.
I suppose its a matter of how conscious and sure the people were of what they already knew. So its possible, that its the people who were insecure or unsure about their beliefs, or easily swayed, or didn't have core beliefs at all, and just seeking and open in general, that The Law of Attraction appealed a lot to. It also appealed a lot to people who were already on a path of service to self, or who were materialistic. And I can see how to people who are not very discerning or young on the path, the idea of just having love and light, and being positive, sounds great! How can that be bad?
Well here is a hermetic principle, the Law of Attraction followers missed entirely. Any (good) thing taken to its extreme, becomes its opposite. Because all things exist on a circle or rather an infinity loop, where energy is always moving through these cycles in the loop. And in this infinity loop, all opposites reconcile/merge in the center, in the singularity. This is also related to the idea of Yin and Yang, and the polar opposites, really being complements, and the need to stay in balance within this duality. Not live only on one side. No matter which side you choose, its unhealthy. Why might someone ask, living on the light side be unhealthy, if its love and light? Because its not the ultimate light. Its broken light. the Infinite Love and Light the Supreme Being encompasses both sides of the Yin and Yang. Within the Yin and Yang the light portion, is only half of the truth. The Mystics taught that you must integrate the truth and love from both polarities, to go the next level of evolution in consciousness, and move beyond polarity. So the irony is that the more you only focus on Love and Light, the more you create duality. And the more you embrace duality simply as a fact of reality, and work to integrate them within yourself in a balanced way, the more you transcend it and move into authentic peace, Love and Light.
Law of Attraction talks a lot about 'like attracts like'. But opposites also attract. Both of these things are happening at the same time on different levels. So if you are focused so much on 'love and light', you will attract 'love and light' on one level, and its opposite 'fear/ hate and dark forces' on another level.
The Masters and Mystics of old, have always taught the middle way, the golden mean, and NOT going into one polarity or another. Otherwise you will have massive swings, energetically. If you pull the pendulum into one direction very far, it will swing into the other. It is simply the law of physics. Going into these extremes potentially could create a lot of karma, and thus get a soul stuck more in the cycle of reincarnation. The masters have taught us to be in the eye of the storm, where its still and peaceful. Instead of the outer fringes, where you will get tossed around by the fray.
The bottom line is that, at this point, the spiritual community is infected with this mind virus, and there are very many people who all think alike, the way Abraham Hicks taught them. They don't realize they are in a cult. No independent thought. Barely any problem solving skills. No ability to analyze critically a situation or information, and get at the fundamental truth of an idea, situation, event, or anything. Everything is seen through a lens, to the point that they live in a fantasy reality. And I have seen this in all genders and ages with the Love and Light Cult.
In probably most of the US, right now, the majority of people in the spiritual communities, who actually go to physical events (such as Expos and fairs), are women over 40, and some people in their 30s, and there are a few men. And there are almost no teenagers or millennials. This is a sign that the community is becoming extinct. (There are also expos and conventions for Exopolitics but thats a totally different community. And its the opposite there. Its a lot of men, and that community attracts young smart people with no problem. Perhaps because that community attracts a demographic of critical thinkers, serious researchers, warriors and techi people - all skills I see terribly lacking in the Spiritual community that is Goddess oriented.) I know that the younger people usually don’t have cars, or jobs, so they don’t have the capacity or money to get to events physically. A lot of young people do everything online. And so what makes sense to me is that more online events should be facilitated for those generations. But the problem is that most of the older people in the spiritual communities are not techi or interested in online culture.
And so what I'm seeing is that the spiritual community, perhaps in as much as they subscribe to the Love and Light cult, are not at all relevant to the younger generations. The break between the 2 is visible immediately, if you travel across the country and actually go to the expos, psychic/intuitive fairs, metaphysical stores, etc.
I think one of the reasons for this is that the younger people, who grew up with the internet, have seen it ALL. They've seen the stark reality of the world with its dysfunctions and horrors, times 10 by age 15. Reality can be wonderful, but it can be pretty brutal also. But unfortunately the information on the internet can be even darker than reality itself. Perhaps because so much evil likes to hide online. Because internet allows for anonymity. So the worst of our shadows and the worst of the dark forces, that like to hide behind facades, is abundant on the internet.
If you've been exposed to that, you know that reality is not all Love and Light. So in that sense, I'm glad for the younger generations that they are not falling for this nonsense. However, I'm also not sure they have many really good things to help guide them in their lives. It seems to me the younger generations are lost. Their education is so dumbed down, they have no respect for it. Many young people see college as not worth it. Its expensive and useless, when what you can find on the internet is so much better and its free. The only reason to go to college is if you want to get a job that requires you to have a degree, or that will pay you more if you have a degree. But many young people don't trust the system enough to want to go get a job. Also, many young women, particularly liberal women, are not getting married or having kids. Instead they get dogs, and treat their dogs like kids. I could go on. The transgender agenda is threatening to cut off all the genitals off of children starting in kindergarten. Many young people are addicted to porn, and incapable of having normal face to face human interactions. Many have no life skills at all. And on top of that transhumanism is threatening to upload humans into 'skynet' and end humanity as we know it altogether. At this rate, we will not have a functional society in less than a generation.
Many in the Love and Light cult, do not know about any of these things. So if this is all news to you, and you have read this far, I truly applaud you. There is hope for your recovery yet! I mean that sincerely.
When I first came to the US, I was a child, and I already saw these problems. I didn't understand why other people were not seeing them. I saw the immense corruption at all levels in America. The image that came to me over and over, throughout the years, is an apple rotten at the core, where the rotting was slowly taking over the whole apple, until just the skin remained as an illusion that things were ok. And then even the skin was rotting. I had no way to language what I was seeing, but I knew that I was shown the degree of problems in this country. Now many people see these problems, and people more eloquent than me, have identified many problems that are within our collective ability to solve at this time. But yet, still many don't see them.
I also know what part I play in the solutions, and I'm carrying it out.
And I see what the spiritual community I actually care about a lot can do for the world. You need to become relevant to younger generations, and in particular smart young people, who are going to be the next leaders and changers in the world. I urge you to please unsubscribe from fantasy land of the Love and Light Cult, the Law of Attraction Cult, and the sea of new age psyops that have possessed your minds and made you unable to see reality clearly. Do real independent research and find out what is actually going on, on the planet right now. Listen to all the voices from all sides of all debates. Thats the first step. I understand that many people in the spiritual community are super hyper sensitive. But you can't let that get in the way of you being able to see all sides of reality and intelligently deal with them all.
Young people need strong intelligent leadership, from both men and women. They need their elders, now more than ever. The way society will keep going is if generations are connected like a chain linked fence. The dark forces want to break these links to collapse society. My prayer is that those who have been in selfish bubbles of fake bliss, or information silos, finally break the spell, and participates in healing the relationships and everything else in human society.
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