I'll be teaching the Spiritual Protection and Psychic Self Defense Workshop January 19-20, 2019. 2 days. 12-6 pm on both days (with some breaks) in Minneapolis, MN. It is also available live via webinar from anywhere in the world! This is not a pre-recorded webinar.
Register today because there is a limit to how many students can be in the course. Signing up is easy. See info below.
Exact location of workshop is to be determined and depends on the number of people attending. If you are interested or know someone who is, contact me. Also get on the newsletter list (https://psychicselfdefensetraining.com/contact.html). That is the best way to stay connected and learn about all the important events I'll be doing, and of course follow my main blogging platform here.
This is an experiential workshop and its interactive. Its via video, so you will see me, and will be able to ask questions. I will have a lot of original material to present to you. We will also do shamanic journeys and guided meditations, to receive teachings and for healing. If you've never done a shamanic journey or guided meditation before, don't worry, I will guide you through everything. Mostly beginners registered so far, so if you are a beginner, you are welcome to join! And if you are intermediate to advanced, you are certainly welcome to join as well. I am open to teaching people at any level. However you must be 18 or older to participate.
I will teach the philosophy that you must understand in order to overcome your spiritual challenges, that deal with dark force attachments. As well as how to work with forces of Light in an empowered way. I will teach principles, methods, and practical hands on skills. You will walk away with skills and knowledge you won't get anywhere else, because this is the first time ever I'll be presenting this material. I also have not seen it taught by others, in the way that I teach it. Hopefully you will also walk away with supportive connections with other students learning the same material.
You will learn:
- To connect more deeply with Your Higher Power, the Creator, Source, God, Universe, for clarity and guidance
- To work with Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Rafael and the whole Angelic realm to do clearings and cleansing of dark forces from your aura and chakras, and your family
- Using Shamanic tools as part of your Spiritual practice of empowerment and protection
- Different types of negative entities and energies and how to transform or remove them from self or others
- Contracts with the dark forces and clearing them
- Cords of attachment and cutting them
- How to protect your energy from intrusive dark forces, even while you sleep!
- Tracking for information in non-ordinary reality
- Clearing spaces, cars, objects
- And much more!
January 19-20
Sat 12-6 pm, Sun 12-6 pm Central Time
Minneapolis, MN
Exact location TBD
To register, go here https://psychicselfdefensetraining.com/store.html and send payment. And we will contact you to complete your registration. After everyone registers, I will email everyone a link to join the zoom webinar. You can join from a computer or mobile.
Recently I did an intro talk to the Workshop at Body Mind Spirit Expo in Mnpls, MN. The Transcript of the talk is at the link below. It offers a basic underlying understanding of the philosophy and principles which I teach.
Also, read the Program section of this site. And check out the testimonials from past clients and students:
With any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm happy to answer any questions to make you comfortable with the work. https://psychicselfdefensetraining.com/contact.html