I am a trained Shamanic Energy Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive, and Past Life Regression Therapist, with over 14 years of experience. I will be teaching a Shamanic Energy Healing workshop with focus on Deep Spiritual Cleansing, Clearing, and Protection.
I trained for 9 yrs with a master Exorcist, who was a Shamanic Energy Healer and Spiritual Counselor. Since about 2005, I have had an active Healing practice, with strong focus on deep inner cleansing and clearing from dark force attachments, and Psychic Self Defense training. The expertise that I will be passing on to you, is based on hard earned knowledge and experience of working with so many clients, and from the arduous task of healing my own life.
Many people are afraid of the fact that there are unseen dark force entities all around us all the time. Nevertheless this has been reality on planet Earth for many millions of yrs. There are also unseen very powerful light forces all around us, and have for a long time as well. But many have forgotten these truths, and live as if we are more or less alone in a materialistic, chaotic universe.
I was born intuitive, and always could see into the world of the non-corporeal energetic beings. I saw the Angels and the demons, the ETs, the Earth Spirits, and all sorts of other phenomena since birth, and in some way the spiritual realms were more real to me than the physical. Over time I applied my intuition and abilities, in service to humanity.
One of humanity’s biggest problems, as I sees it, is the presence of dark force entities on the planet that manage to usurp so much control over people’s lives without their conscious awareness. The people who claim that there is no ‘devil’, no ‘dark side’, that there is only love and light, are either fools, or are lying deliberately, so they can get away with the evil things they are doing themselves.
The purpose of this workshop is to inform people about the reality, nature and psychology of these dark forces and how to effectively use Light forces to permanently clear the dark forces from our lives. You have to understand that nearly everyone on the planet has some type of dark forces. No one is immune. And many people have dozens or 100s of negative entities. And some people who have been through things like SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) have 1000s. Most are just unaware of this, or the effects these have on their lives and the lives of people around them. Sometimes they notice the destructive effects, but lacking intuitive wisdom and insight into the true nature of their spiritual condition, they chalk it up to bad luck, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, blame other people, or God. Even the masters such as Jesus and Buddha, the monks and the Saints from all genuinely positive traditions, were beseeched by demons and had to face very dark forces on their path to enlightenment, not just once, but many many times. If any human currently living on the planet thinks they are so enlightened and evolved they are above and beyond having to cleanse themselves of dark forces, they are arrogant, naive, delusional, ignorant, or hide their own evil, so they can keep practicing evil things in secret, while wearing a fake mask of perfection and accomplishment.
Dark force entities and energies can attach to people’s auras, chakras, a family line, or a person's house or object. As we move through our lives, things happen to us that can open our psychic doors without our conscious awareness, such as due to alcohol, drugs, trauma, shock, anesthesia, surgery, going into extreme anger, fear, worry, etc. Dark force entities attach to us through these open psychic doors, and typically don’t leave until consciously and sometimes forcefully removed. This is what traditionally Shamans, Exorcists, and Priests did, if they had been trained in this Spiritual Cleansing practice. And this is the training that I received and am now passing on to you.
There are various forms of dark force entities or energies, that cause harm to humans. Here is a list of the most important ones:
• Archons
• Dark AI
• Demons (aka jinn/djinn), such as giant demons or shape shifting demons
• Dark ETs (Extra Terrestrials) such as draco, reptilian, greys, and others
• Dark ET implants
• Curses, hexes, spells
• Negative mental patterns
• Cult programming
• Thought forms / Energetic forms
• Contracts with the dark forces
• Cords of attachment
• Fallen Angels
• Spirits of the deceased who didn’t go to the light (aka ghosts, spooks, poltergeists) (Do not always have an evil intent, but they do not belong in the world of the living, and their presence detracts from our quality of life)
• Dark Portals
• Negative spirit guides
These dark force entities attach to chakras, organs, and/or hide in the aura and feed on human energy, while simultaneously injecting destructive thoughts and emotions into the mind or the energy field. They push people into destructive behaviors and situations. They choreograph dramas, conflicts, and wars between people. Because they have a hive mind, they can literally control millions of people at the same time, and manipulate them around like puppets into damaging, harmful situations for all involved. Dark force entities cause tremendous disturbance to the human society. If people realized that all wars and all world conflicts are choreographed by dark force entities from other dimensions, I think they would see how critical it is to keep your energy field pure of these vampiric parasites. And how important it is to kick them off the planet once and for all. Dark force entities consume the anger, hate and violent energy released by humans during wars. They literally go into the most violent zones and consume that energy that is gushing out of suffering humans. Some of that energy is also siphoned off into facilities where demons, implants, etc. are manufactured from that energy. The demons are then sent out at people, who are then guided to go make more war that harms as many living beings as possible, so that more of this toxic energy/looshe can be created, and so on - the cycle of violence continues. Until people awaken to this reality and refuse to be puppets to the dark forces, take back their power, and work with the forces of Light for long term protection and healing.
The movie ‘The Exorcist’ is a terrible example of what Healing should be. Hollywood always dramatizes things for shock value. Typically Shamanic Healing and Clearing sessions with me are very peaceful, involve no drama, and clients are not in pain. It’s a sacred space, where there is a lot of light and support, in which the client simply receives the purification, healing and guidance they are ready for and need. I have had a lot of experience clearing all of the above mentioned types of entities. When I clear dark force entities and energies form people, sometimes the feeling is very subtle, and the client almost doesn’t notice. Especially if they don’t have a high sensitivity to energy changes. Others, who are sensitive to energy, feel a lot. And universally describe a feeling of ‘being lighter’, ‘a weight being removed’, ‘noise in their head stopping’, ‘feeling like themselves again,’ etc. This is just the beginning of their healing journey, and from there it gets better.
When my Shamanic mentor, John, did my first clearing on me, in 2003, the feeling that I had was of huge talons like of a giant evil bird letting go of me and then I saw light increasing all around me. It kept getting brighter and brighter and felt very peaceful. I told John this, and he told me that he had that exact image and sensation when he had his first exorcism in Brazil many yrs ago. I asked him, what was this light? He told me that this is my own light, that is no longer being consumed by the demonic entities and is able to be expressed. This was the beginning of my training in Shamanic Energy Healing and Spiritual Protection and Psychic Self Defense.
There is a cosmic law that says that as humans it is our dharma to transform darkness into light. This is what Spirit Warriors / Peaceful Warriors do. This is what my mentor did, and what I do. It's not a hobby, or a job, but a sacred calling and a lifestyle, which I do 24-7-365. As human beings on planet Earth, we are all on this mission. We are all called to be Spiritual Warriors in one way or another. When you devote your life to service to Great Spirit (or God, The Creator, Source, however you want to call it) everything in your life acquires a harmony and peace. You don't stop having challenges, but you are able to tackle them from a healthier internal space. Challenges are there to make you stronger, better, faster, smarter. You have be training continually, to evolve spiritually.
In this workshop, I will teach the philosophy, principles and practices of the Spirit Warrior. I have taken what my mentor taught me and built on it, based on my own professional practice as a Shamanic Energy Healer, and my life experience as an experiencer of ET life and the supernatural, as well as a survivor of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse). I was raised in a Satanic Military Cult, and have overcome most of the challenges with the dark forces that people in my position face. I am also a walk in, a Feline Soul, a significantly higher frequency being than the original soul, and am able to masterfully carry on the work assigned to me. I am also working to systematize the knowledge that I had gathered, and that was passed on to me, so that it is teachable to as many people as possible.
The main idea to take away is that each person has a Spirit Warrior inside themselves and this spiritual quality needs to be fully awoken, empowered, and trained continually, in order for us to create a better, more peaceful, harmonious world. Its critical to note that the dark forces are the challenge that is blocking the Spirit Warrior from awakening, and is simultaneously precisely the challenge people need to face head on and overcome in order to master their inner and outer world and express in reality the Spirit Warriors they are in potential.
I do all of the work with Archangel Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Metatron, the entire Angelic and Archangelic realm, and other supportive and compassionate spiritual beings, such as the Light ETs (Pleiadeans, Felines, Sirians, etc.), Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Power Animals, Faeries, and others.
This is an experiential interactive workshop, and you will learn hands on skills and immediately applicable tools. You may choose to only work on yourself, or include them in your practice, if you are already a professional Healer, with sufficient experience.
You will learn:
- To connect more deeply with Your Higher Power, the Creator, Source, God, Universe, for clarity and guidance
- To work with the Archangels and Angels to do clearings of dark forces from your aura and chakras
- Using Shamanic tools as part of your Spiritual practice of cleansing, empowerment and protection
- Different types of negative entities and energies and how to transform or remove them from self or others, and keep them out for the long term
- Contracts with the dark forces and clearing them
- Cords of attachment and cutting them
- How to protect your energy from intrusive dark forces, even while you sleep!
- Tracking for information in non-ordinary reality
- Clearing spaces, cars, objects of dark force attachments
- And much more!
The workshop will take place in Minneapolis, MN and via zoom video, so you will see me, and will be able to ask questions. I will present a lot of original material. You will do shamanic journeys and guided meditations, to receive teachings and for healing. If you've never done a shamanic journey or guided meditation before, don't worry, I will guide you through everything. Whatever level you are on, beginner to advanced, you are welcome to join. You must be 18 or older to participate.
January 19-20
Sat 12-6 pm, Sun 12-6 pm Central Time
Minneapolis, MN
Exact location TBD
To register, go to the store on this site, and send payment.
And we will contact you to complete your registration. After everyone registers, we will email everyone a link to join the zoom webinar. You can join from a computer or mobile.
I did several talk shows, and have written numerous articles, which will give you more information about this topic, and this workshop. Read all the Blogs on this site, and the Program section. And check out the testimonials from past clients/ students.
Recently I did an intro talk to the Workshop at Body Mind Spirit Expo in Minneapolis, MN. The Transcript of the talk is at the link below. It offers a basic underlying understanding of the philosophy and principles which I teach.
With any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm happy to answer any questions to make you comfortable with the work. https://psychicselfdefensetraining.com/contact.html