My Spirit Warrior Christmas - What Holidays are like for survivors of SRA and defectors out of satanic cults, who have to deal with biological family who are still in the cult.

I was guided this Holiday season to focus on writing my book, and not see relatives or people in general. I need solitude and total silence to do my writing, and I finally have the space to do that.

However, I was still guided to call my mother, which I didn’t really want to do, but I went ahead and did it because its Christmas, and I know she would be sad if I didn’t call her.

She’s a professor at a college, where she says the situation is so extremely toxic, that the VP is Satan himself. She said he’s so evil, she can’t be in the same room with him. He makes her sick. The college was apparently selling diplomas and got caught a few yrs ago, and there was a big investigation. She wasn’t part of that; she is just a professor trying to do her job. But the amount of corruption and chaos there is enormous, which she says is highly draining for her.

Every now and then she asks me to do an intuitive reading for her about what she should do, and every time my Guides give her the same answer, ‘Its not a good place for you. Leave and write books instead. Be financially independent. If you want to teach, teach at small organizations that follow spiritually positive principles. Or teach independently.’ She agrees. There are a lot of things she wants to write about, and has wanted to write for at least 30 yrs. Yet, she stays and works for Satan, and doesn’t pursue her dreams. She complains about how satanic most of the administration is, how difficult it is to teach in that kind of environment, how stressful it is to deal with these horrible people, how she doesn’t have time for anything else in her life, because she works 60+ hrs/wk. (She’s a workaholic.) Yet she stays. She totally agrees, that what I get with my intuition from my Guides is THE truth, not just my opinion. Still she doesn’t act righteously in pursuit of that truth. Instead she stays in the familiar toxic satanic environment. She even told me that she feels like she’s making a deal with Satan by working there. And I agreed, and told her that she will lose some part of her soul, and has lost already, as a result of that deal. She agreed that that is happening. She the added, ‘I’m staying because of greed…’

Then she asked me why I don’t come to visit. LMAO…. She doesn’t realize how insane the question sounds, given the context. Insanity is normal to her. She knows she’s in a cult, she knows its evil, that it’s killing her by robbing her of her soul, health, and life vitality, that she stays only because of money, but that toxic environment has become her comfort zone, in the last 20 yrs that she has worked there. It’s just like a drug addiction, except worse, because society supports and agrees with that kind of lifestyle; instead of all these people realizing that it’s a terrible addiction, and helping each other to recover, and building a system that is good for our souls. This insane rat race and chase after money in exchange for your soul is what is called normal and responsible and adult in our society.

I understand needing money, because everyone has to pay rent, food, etc to survive. But there are many ways to make money. Some people walk out of cults, with nothing. They leave belongings, savings, connections, friends, houses, cars, everything behind, and start all over. Sometimes they are pursued and they have to really fight for their life and freedom. But no physical person is going to pursue my mother, I’m sure. She stays willingly. Satan will pursue her everywhere however, because she’s made so many deals already. She would have to do a lot of inner work to break all those contracts, before she can really start over, and truly be free. It’s all doable, however. Many people have done it in the past and successfully broke free of very toxic situations.

Inner work is critical to overcome internal darkness. Unfortunately, she has shunned inner work as something beneath her. She has never done it. I’ve given her some self help books and she has never read them. She thought that getting a PhD would protect her in a satanic environment and was surprised to find out that it doesn’t. No, no amount of medals or paper or achievements acquired on a human level can protect a human being from evil. Only God’s Love, Truth and Light can protect a soul from the dark forces.

She can walk out. She knows that it will be hard to survive at first, but doable. I have done it. Despite the constant challenges, I keep following my Higher Spiritual Guidance in how I build my life, and I don’t make deals with any Satans, on my path. Freedom is something you have to be willing to fight to the death for. Only then you truly gain your life, and free yourself from spiritual slavery. This is the difference between those who manage to leave a cult and build their own life, and those who are never able to leave. A Spiritual Warrior is willing to fight and die for freedom. By forfeiting your life for that greater cause, you actually gain your life. Cowards think that deals with Satan can give them protection and benefits, but in the end they lose themselves.

I have been on a path of freedom and self mastery for a long time. She has been watching me do it for a long time. But she has never acknowledged any of my victories on the path of self emancipation, on the path of entrepreneurship, on the path of self healing, self growth. All of that means nothing to her, because she’s a narcissist. She doesn’t value my divine expression. Neither does my father. The only time she valued my accomplishments is when I was a fulfillment of her dream, living vicariously through me, because she herself is too chicken to manifest her own dreams. When I lived her dream for her, she could parade me around to other satanists, and say ‘Look what a great mother I am.’ Thankfully, I had a spiritual re-awakening around 2001 and exited that drama, and relentlessly pursued truth. I was on the path of Spirit Warrior before I even knew that that’s what it was. I simply followed my intuition, I followed God’s light, and it lead me out of bondage and into freedom. I found the right teachers and healers who aided me, and paid them myself. I had to figure everything out on my own, and I did. Because God and the Angels have my back.

The fact that my biological family never understood my path, never supported it, never acknowledged it, ended up strengthening me on my spiritual path. I never have to seek their approval, support or opinion. It forced me to find creative ways to accomplish my goals, and to always think for myself. And that is the hallmark of a Spirit Warrior. A Spirit Warrior makes a way, where no one else sees a way.

So then she wanted to know why I don’t call them, why I’ve moved far away from them, and don’t come to visit. No matter how many times I tell her, it doesn’t sink in. She refuses to understand that she herself is an agent of the cult, until she cleans herself up. She thinks the cult is bad, but she’s different! She’s very good. Narcissism, arrogance, delusion. No, it doesn’t work like that. If you’re part of that stew, and you agree to participate, and you make deals with Satan, you are a pawn of Satan. You’re the puppet and he’s the hand that can make you do anything. Doesn’t matter if you have some light in you. That light clearly isn’t enough to stop whatever Satan will get you to do. You are toxic, dangerous, and demonic once you make deals with Satan. I’ve tried to explain this to her, many times. And she seems to understand and even agree, at times, that it’s affecting her badly. But she still stays, gets her pay check and shuts up. Hell is her comfort zone.

The sad reality is that she is simply like many other millions of people around the world, who all make deals with a Satan for a paycheck. Cults are the norm in our society. People just don’t realize that that is the term to accurately describe the prevalent system of life - Satanic cult. If you stay in a job that you know is destroying your soul, for a paycheck, make no mistake about it - you are making a deal with the dark side.

When she was younger, my mother has had enormous amount of creative talent, her own intuitive abilities, and even healing abilities. She used to have photographic memory, she could memorize whole books, and speak them verbatim. She used to write poetry, sew really beautiful clothes, and used to act. But because she has never pursued her real dreams and never developed her spiritual gifts, she has lost them. Though my guides told me, it’s not too late, she can still re-awaken them, and write and bring value to the world. I’m 98% certain she will never do it, however. Unfortunately, she is a narcissist and a back stabber. She would rather destroy the good that someone else is building, or at least curse it, because she’s jealous, rather than build her own dreams.

Lesson to reader: Do not ever be like my mother. Do not betray your soul, for a paycheck or any material gain. Do not be a satanist. Do not be a cog in a wheel. Do not be a narcissist, a back stabber, a gossip, or a saboteur of your own creative potential.

God is a much better way to go! With God’s help you can fulfill your soul’s dream and fulfill your creative potential. You don’t need anything from the dark side to make that happen. I’ve been saying this to my clients for so many years, who think that a little short cut here, a little compromise there, is not a big deal. These little compromises end up opening little doors to dark forces, who then open that door wider and wider, until they move into your life and start to control you. Don’t compromise your integrity ever, not even a tiny bit.

And that is why I teach what I teach. Spirit Warrior Medicine. In January I will teach a Shamanic Energy Healing Workshop and Webinar focusing on Spiritual Protection and Psychic Self Defense.

I’ve had the privilege to work with a wonderful mentor for many yrs, a man of honor and integrity, who walked that better way with me, and showed me how to live my divine purpose, how to be a Spirit Warrior, and live in service to God/Creator/Source, and in service to humanity.

If you are serious about being a person of honor, integrity, and truth,
If you want to be able to hear and see your own higher guidance clearly,
If you want to learn how to discern true light from false light,
If you want to learn how to work with the Archangels and other positive divine beings,
To strengthen yourself and others on their path to enlightenment,
Then you must learn how to keep your life clear of dark force attachments and protect yourself from getting attachments in the future.
You must learn how to manage your personal power, your energy, your soul and mind, so that you have strong boundaries, that can withstand inevitable attacks and manipulations from the dark forces, but not succumb to them.
Instead to be strengthened and bettered every time you have to face the dark forces.
More than 70% of people have several dark force attachments that they are unaware of. Don’t be in that 70%. Learn to clear and heal yourself, and to protect yourself, so you may have true spiritual freedom from any interference from the dark forces.

This is what you will learn in the workshop I will teach in January.
Learn more about it here:

I’ve also written several blog articles discussing further what I will teach in the workshop. See them here:

Arriale Starbird Spirit Warrior Jesus Christ Mary and candles Christmas.png