Clients come to me in waves. Over the years. I’ve done a lot of sessions devoted to expanding of consciousness based on doing intuitive readings where people asked questions about their life, and the information that came from my guides, my higher self, or simply direct intuition, gave the person exactly the information they needed to grow and develop as a soul.
Then I had waves of people who had a lot of baggage from past lives, and I focused on doing pas life regressions, and spiritual clearing work within those regressions, to clear whatever was tying them to those lives, those people and places, in a way that was holding them back in this lifetime.
I’m always doing a lot of sessions for chakra and aura clearings and healing, and Soul Retrieval, no matter what else is going on, because that’s a core aspect of Shamanic Energy Healing. And throughout the years there have been a variety of other waves of people with varying spiritual and/or health needs.
In 2012, some very big shifts occurred on the planet. Many ppl expected dramatic physical changes, overnight. And there were actually very big changes, but they became visible over the next several years. Those on the light side, were propelled into greater light. Those on the dark side, were getting sucked into darker darks. And those in the grey areas, those on the fence, had to choose, what direction they were going to go. So soon after 2012, I started to get waves of people coming to me, who had been trapped in various forms of darkness and wanted out. For example, they were in cults in current or past lives, or both. They had been oppressed by dark forces so severely, that they could not move forward in their lives. Many of them had been rejected or were not able to be helped by various other practitioners they had seen. During that period of time I learned a lot of very important things about empowerment, deep clearing methods, and healing the soul from lifetimes of oppression. Its simply not possible to learn these kids of things from books, from anything online, or even other teachers. You can only learn these things through direct experience and doing the work.
Since then a lot of things have changed. As Corey Goode has said, ‘The good are getter better. The bad are getting worse. And the crazy are getting crazier.’
There is a civil war in the government. There are many cyber wars, between many different state and non state actors, that have been waged for years. There has been a lot of unrest, and increase in chaos and confusion since 2012. In 2016, huge revelations regarding pedophilia / pedogate in the gov, entertainment industry, military and the ruling elite, have allowed many ppl to awaken to the darker facts of our reality, and the need for healing these big epic wounds in society. Many people want change very badly. Those who have been part of those cults, now want out. Many of those who have witnessed the goings on in these satanic cults, but were not are part of them, are so disgusted they are stepping up and doing everything they can to change things for the better. I think people in the helping professions, who practice any sort of healing arts, psychology, energy work, psychotherapy, or anything else that can be helpful, should step up and learn how to help all these millions of individuals who need this healing very much.
I am not currently called to help people come out of cults. The gov really needs to step up and offer a lot more support, services and rehabilitation to those kinds of people and their families.
What I feel called to now, is rather focusing on doing healing work that is more geared for people who are already at a certain level of their spiritual and personal development, and want to grow significantly more, with guidance, than they would without. People may have blocks in their personal lives, wounds and soul loss from the past, negative entities, contracts that don’t serve, cords of attachment, and other things that are preventing them from living optimally. Assisting with things like that is where I’m guided to work at this time.
So lately, the majority of clients I have been seeing are people who are already successful, either personally, spiritually, and/or professionally and want to go further and deeper, in life, in themselves and in everything. They want to achieve greater success in life, while doing totally authentically.
This is possible, when you go much deeper inside yourself and bring that real you out into the open. When you enrich your life, by going deeper inside yourself, you uplift everyone around you as well. Truth and health can actually be ‘contagious’ too (in a good way).
What are some deep questions that can lead you to discover what you are really about, and what the world around you is really about:
- What is my mission on planet Earth? (Not necessarily job/profession, though it could be.)
- Am I doing everything I can to make the world a better place?
- When I make decisions, do I base them on my own wisdom based on my personal life experience, or on dogmas and beliefs I have acquired from other people, or religions, or books?
- Am I more motivated by fear or love?
- Am I being honest with myself regarding how I feel about _______?
And if I’m not being honest and I was to become honest about that, what action would that compel me to take, that is different than what I’m doing now? - How can I live more authentically?
- What truth about myself or the world, have I always been afraid to accept.
- Have I outgrown my comfort zone and is it time to move beyond it into the unknown?
- I want to have more confidence in my life to do things that I really want to do. How can I get that courage, that fearlessness to do what I really love?
- What is the difference between courage and fearlessness?
- Am I truly awakened from the matrix, or do I just think I am? How can I be sure?
- What is the difference between a fact and the truth?
There are many more thought provoking questions that can lead you to become more authentic on your path, more of a critical thinker, someone who questions everything and comes up with their own answers. Its important that each person develops their own point of view on things, that is unique and independent of group-think / cultural trance that is prevalent in our society.
From a Shamanic perspective, one of the most important things that healing accomplishes, is that it allows a person to bring more of their cosmic soul into their body. It is a more enlightened way of being. Books help us to have a certain kind of knowledge, hopefully fact based. But experiential knowledge is the domain of the shamanic way of healing, and the way we find out the truth of life, not just the facts of life. This knowledge can be gained only through practice, through a personal and deep relationship with nature. And that means your own inner nature, the true you in the depth of your heart, also your cosmic nature, and the natural environment - plants, animals, Pachamama, the elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Spirit).
With so much work, funding and talent going into developing A.I., I think people are getting further and further away from what gives our life real meaning. Transhumanism wants to strip humans of our humanity, and turn humans into soulless automatons. This is why I believe that the Shamanic Energy Healing work is critical for humanity at this time, and has not lost its relevancy in the least. It seems to me, the more we move ‘into the future’, the more relevant it becomes, for finding true meaning in life. Its one of the few practices still available that can help people reconnect with our true nature. Connect the heart to the mind to the soul to the body, to the oversoul, to the ultimate Creator of All / Source. All creative and healing energy comes from source, via the soul. I don’t believe anything good can be achieved by denying our humanity and our soul through things like transhumanism.
Though these Shamanic Energy Healing practices can take you to spiritually advanced states of being, they can be picked up by anyone at any level of personal development, at any age. As a mentor I have over 12 yrs of experience, helping people grow spiritually, and develop their own personal spiritual practices that support them on their journeys.
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