in #spirituality6 years ago

Within the Christian conversation about the potential age of the earth, there is what I "call the eternal God excuse."

Periodically, those attempting to reinterpret the Bible in order to fit millions of years of death and suffering in the earth's history prior to the fall will make a claim that goes something like this; "Do you really think that the eternal God did absolutely nothing until only six thousand years ago?"

On the surface, this may appear to be a potential nail in the coffin of the young earth position. Howsoever, there are two fatal flaws to this straw man argument. The first is that compared to eternity, any number is absurd. Whether is six thousand, six million, or six billion, there really isn't any difference. To ask, "Do you really think that the eternal God did absolutely nothing until only six quadrillion years ago?" is no better than asking the same about six thousand.

Moreover, God exists outside of the realm of time. He created time just like He created the rest. As He is without height, length, and width, so also is He without time. That is why He can declare the end from the beginning; He is outside of that realm. Hopefully this video provides some good food for thought.


Also, if any of you enjoy these videos, please feel free to subscribe to my new channel Spiritual Food 4 Thought and share these videos wherever you think people may either enjoy them or need them. Thanks everyone!

Until next time…


GIF provided by @anzirpasai

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I heard an example once that said something like...someone created a computer and by creating it they determined how the insides would work. As the creator they are not IN the computer itself and so therefor they are outside of their creation. Just as God can't be measured because He is outside of His creation! Well it went something like that...