Does that actually mean His return is imminent?
Many will point to the verses that state "no one knows the day or hour" of the return of Jesus Christ as proof that He can return at any moment. However, when evaluated in context, these verses cannot be used to validate such a claim.
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Further, it is not stated if it is a physical return.
Or if it is a mass thing, or a personal thing.
But, i find it best just to talk to Iesus directly.
Some would say that "imminent" means that there is no event that precedes the Rapture of the church. I believe that the Ezekiel 38 and 39 attack on Israel must occur first because it says that Israel would use the weapons as fuel for seven years. So it couldn't occur after the Rapture.
Wow, this is just a revelation @papa-pepper, am inspired... Want you to be my mentor
Let's hold on to our faith..continue to be good all the time...thanks for sharing@papa-pepper❤️
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We can recognize the season. Though we may not know the day or hour, we must be spiritually ready. Procrastinating until the season arrives to be ready should not be practiced if you are a Christian. Blessings and thanks for your ministry @papa-pepper
Keep the faith and live every day like it may be the last. That's the best advice I could give anyone.