
What a great read. Refreshing to see information pulling my attention to the scripture rather than just being quoted scripture and told what to believe. Thanks for the post @papa-pepper! Keep up the good work.

Refreshing to see information pulling my attention to the scripture rather than just being quoted scripture and told what to believe.

You have no idea how much that blesses me to read. Thank you for that!

Ohhh you have came with a great idea
Hoping you get sucess

Good thank you @verbal and @papa-pepper

You are welcome!

Thank you.
you are incredible.
you can build anything you want.
I want


Each time I read your post I'm blessed.
Thanks for sharing again @papa-pepper

I agree with you but gere are a few things i have in mind. We have to understand the context, the act, peolme in the act, superiors and inferiors, things to happen and concequences. If we care about these, this brings understanding of esence.

imformation is very helpful thanks

Thank you @papa-pepper for blessing this community with the word of God.
I love it and very appreciate it.

I can't help but wonder then why do some Christians call Sunday The Lord's Day? The Lord's Day according to the Bible including the verses in the post shows of destruction and not the day He commanded us to Worship Him on.

The Lord's Day is the Sabbath, when He rested after creating the world. The Day of the Lord is obviously what @papa-pepper is quoting from the Bible about here. I would also imagine that the original translation in Hebrew has completely different words that don't quite translate as completely different words to English. That's a guess though because I don't read Hebrew....🤔

It is based on the assumption that when John says in the Revelation that he was "in the Spirit on the Lord's day" that he is referring to Sunday. And that assumption is based on the assumption that the seventh day Sabbath of the Forth Commandment was changed from Friday sunset-Saturday sunset to Sunday. We'll see if the author of this book addresses this issue as being part of the end times.

Ah so no real commandment to change the's based on assumptions, no thanks if the Lord himself did not change the day then I better stick with what He said to do!

It will be interesting to see if this author demonstrates how the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar (the Babylonian king, not Morpheus' hovercraft) in 587 BC is a type of the day of the Lord.

I do not cover that in this volume.

The first shall become last and the last shall become first. The day of the Lord shall bring doom to the wicked and the proud of heart.

so I'm tracking with you...out with "7 year the tribulation" and In with "The day of the YHVH"