Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up???

in #spirituality7 years ago

As i was sitting on my front porch smoking a cigarette and enjoying the cool, before storm breeze i heard "will the real Papa Legba please stand up" so here i am to bring a blog i made for people who were talking smack about Papa Legba in a facebook group. Because Papa Legba and Baron Samedi are my Primary deities due my high need of powerful protection against astral entities i do write blogs about what i learn; however, we all resonate with different gods. dimensions, and entities so i would not presume to say what is right for anyone else.

American Horror Story LIED on Papa Legba & Baron Samedi
On this day, June 12, 2017, i shall debunk false claims about Papa Legba on the tv show "American Horror Story"/(AHS) to honor This awesome and Grandfatherly deity. There is a lovely article already written, but it is removed for some reason. Since i am drawn to write this today, i am not one bit surprised that the article is gone.

AHS presents Papa Legba as a cocaine snorting beasty "god" who wants the souls of the Innocents. I propose that is done to further villafy the Mighty Legba because those who oppress the world fear Him & His counterparts. AHS also insinuates that Papa Legba governs over hell when the Voodoo type religions believe in reincarnation i lieu of the heaven and hell concept. Furthermore, there is no devil or "satan" in the Voodoo Pantheon. I tried the christian way for over 40 years with much turmoil in my life that Papa Legba has removed.
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"Baron Samedi : Voodoo God of the dead, though he is frequently associated with obscenity, chaos, debauchery and intoxication." pinterest.com
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Enjoying a goode party and sex does NOT make a person or a "god" evil for we are adults and ethics are not affected by enjoying life, but rather is we harm others. Baron Samedi does not promote sex that harms others, but He wants to see more folks use sex for empowerment such as Left Hand Path tantric Buddhism (but with more fun). In fact, sex Magick is very powerful when handled respectfully.

Papa Legba Doesn't Ask For Innocent Innocent Souls

In fact, the "god" or the people of the "god" who likes to see children harmed are linked to Moloch/Baal as featured in Hilary Clinton email about sacrifice and represented by the hexagram. I do many exorcisms against those who use children in sacrificial rituals and it is Papa Legba and Baron Samedi that keep me safe from constant astral attack.

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Who Is Baron Samedi?
The character presented by AHS looks more like a Baron Samedi Whom has been great to me and my children, as well as all i ask Him to remove "demons" for. I did not write these words, but i don't believe in rewriting others's work so i just cite it as i learned about in college.

"Baron Samedi spends most of his time in the invisible realm of vodou spirits."forums.hardwarezone.com.sg

"Baron Samedi. Pronounced 'SOM-DEE', Samedi the French word for 'Saturday'. The Loa of death, the Baron is of the 'Guede' family and is sentinel of the crossroads gate. Even the most powerful magicians & alchemists cannot accomplish any spells or magic without the consent or approval of the Baron. As an ally, he is the strongest of protectors & a trustworthy companion. The Baron is the ruler of the cemetery & transitions in both life & death. He is often considered the patron Lwa of New Orleans.

Baron Samedi is superb at legal battles, court, victory, justice, sexuality, major life transitions & bringing cash quickly! He brings enormous power to magic rituals and a fierce protector of children! Baron Samedi is known to be very wise & honest in his responses to those seeking his help. Invoke him when you honestly need help and you have done all you can on your own for the situation. Many Vodouns fear him because of his power and relation to death. Death is only symbolic for the next transition, to fear him is to reject his power, protection, and help. Baron Samedi seems to be a walking contradiction. He rules over sex and death, he loves a party but also enjoys his solitude, he has a wonderful sense of humor (the dirtier the better) but yet is reverent towards the dead, especially as they cross over to the other side. When the Baron shows up, you know something big is going down. He is extremely honest.

One of the most important ideas that Baron teaches us is that life is too short to be unhappy. Baron Samedi is God of the Dead. We cannot connect with those who have gone before us without him. He doesn't just end life either. He can end a situation, an argument, a relationship, etc. Baron is also there at the end of a job well done. When you take that deep breath after finishing a big project, you are feeling him. He helps the newly dead cross over and find peace. In this aspect, we should not fear him but appreciate him for the care and concern he will show us all in the end.

His Colors: All colors. He likes bright, bold colors like royal purple, burnt orange and earthy red. Number: 13 and 9 Symbols: Gravestones, crosses, phallic symbols Offerings: Big fat cigar (see if you can blow a circle with in a circle), red meat, peppered bacon, black licorice, toasted coconut flakes & pecans, strong, black coffee (no sugar), rum, avocados." Written by Conjured Cordea @ http://shop.conjuredcardea.com/searchquick-submit.sc

Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up?
Legba is the lwa who allows connection from the spirit world to our physical world.erzulieredeyes.wordpress.com

"In Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo, Papa Legba is the intermediary between the loa (lwa) and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and grants or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages.He is always the first and last spirit invoked in any ceremony, because his permission is needed for any communication between mortals and the loa - he opens and closes the doorway to the spirit world." https://exemplore.com/magic/papalegba
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The Great Baron and Mighty Papa Legba are both Gate Keepers Whom and are met at the Crossroads, but They are not the same. Papa Legba keeps the Gates to the higher realms; whereas, Baron Samedi keeps the lower realms.

One thing that AHS got right is that Papa Legba and Baron Samedi both have the power to control blessings and curses so that if They protect us we are safe on astral and safer in life.
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i give credits to Eminem for the title


Thanks for that!
Baron Samedi has finally arrived to my attention. After over two years of strange dreams and events, which I may describe one day, he manifested in my conscious mind. I need to learn as much as I can about him. Glad to have found your blog, since there's so much bullshit out there in the internet world! If you can recommend any other articles, websites or book, that would be great :-)

yay for You @tara.heruka ...sorry for let reply... You must be One of His....He came to me from astral too...i feel so blessed that You found this ...He takes the best care of me...i do exorcisms & He's more powerful than demons ....there are links in my blogs...when i researched Him i found most don't know Him like i do...i have LOADS gathered up cuz i LOVE Him, but it'll be after work.... here is one i did to show how to cleanse You may like since You seem to be One of His Long Distance Cleanse with Baron Samedi has a cleanse that i use on tougher cases @ http://citedinfo.blogspot.com/2017/12/long-distance-cleanse-with-baron-samedi.html

Great thank you! I 'll keep an eye on your blogs as you're definitely a genuine practitioner :-)

yes... i am...thank You :) many can't understand ...Blessed Be )O( i really like these Folks & this is great video as it talks about Him coming for His <3 like He did Us :O

hello @tara.heruka :) i made a blog...really, i made it for the Ghedes to honor Them :) https://steemit.com/religion/@paigemoore/links-for-the-ghede

many good and great links are in here & lots of pretty pics too :D

WwowWzers!!! this was posted on my 3rd day on steem because i was nudged by Papa Legba, and when i checked in morning it had 33 upvotes. What's amazing is that Papa Legba's number is 3. Part of my job is to freely tell folks what i see because too many others want pay for what Spirit freely gives them.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom.Set the record straight is what you did.