Stop trying to be only the light

in #spirituality7 years ago

Yah, that's right, the title says it all. Stop trying to be only the light. I've noticed that one of the main obstacles in writing and finding content to post online is that instead of just letting it flow and being transparent I seem to want to only focus on the light and the positive feelings. Sometimes I'll write and afterwards say to myself "Oh my gosh, I can't publish that, it's not positive enough ! It has some darkness in it !".

I've been getting the message from my higher self to just be myself. I'm the one who is judging my own seeming demons and don't want to bring it to the light, which would translate into an online post. Fear of judgement perhaps ? Or of being seen in a negative manner, or perhaps a feeling that I will be diminished or humiliated for being so petty.

Well,... it's come to my attention that this is exactly what needs to be addressed at this time. Not accepting the seeming dark attributes of ourselves. Everyone wants to be love and light. When I meet people or see people who are expressing all light and nothing but a smile it often bothers me. It feels fake, and it feels in-compassionate in some way. It seems lop-sided. This is not everyone and every time of course, there are many times and quite often where I can see that the person is authentically in a light state without filters. It's when I sense an inner rejection of something, or a facade like something is being kept under the rug that it bothers me. It's not a completely authentic light, and more of an artificial projection of light. Not to say that they are not in the light and that the information is not uplifting, but to me it doesn't feel helpful. I mean demons need to be loved too don't they ?

Judgement and denial of that which we reject will just come back and bite us in the rear end down the road. This is what has happened in the past and this is the source of our dismay. Love all, have compassion for all aspects of creation we keep hearing, but secretly we tell ourselves that it doesn't include our own demons. Those should just not exist and so we deny them the light of our attention and consideration mostly.

At this time, it's time to bring all demons or dark attributes of our collective to the light. That means it starts with ourselves. I believe it's better to be honest then to disregard feelings or impulses we don't appreciate. The shadow projections of our collective have been allowed to roam freely behind the scenes and reap havoc because they are not in the light of our awareness. Secrecy, lying and masking the darkness are the tools of our collective shadow selves. We are the creators of the shadow projections through our own denials and judgements.

We've heard a thousand times that the world is a reflection of our inner reality. However who takes responsibility for the hideous evil acts in this world ? Who will claim responsibility and come forth and say "I am responsible " ? No one can because no one is necessarily aware that they are doing it, or that it's the reflection of an inner repression.

When something traumatises us we refuse to accept that as a part of our experience. It's trauma that triggers the first domino of repression and denial. Until we can face our inner demons, until we can look at suffering straight in the face and say OK ! What are you trying to tell me or teach me ? Only then can we empathise with the suffering, the suffering of our own being and only then can we have compassion and embrace ourselves in our own motherly arms.

Who will save us from our suffering ? No one can if you are unwilling to have compassion for yourself.

You do not need some outside force to recognise you and give you compassion. The only one that needs to accept and have compassion for yourself is yourself. That's the one that matters the most.

Do not deny what you are, you are not to blame. There is no need to reject the negativity. The negativity only persists because you insist that you are not that. You insist that it is not your innate nature and with your freewill choice you think that you can simply choose to only be the light.

Well I have something to say about that. If you will not address the darkness within yourself then you have just participated in the increased polarity of our collective consciousness. Someone else will have to pick up the tab and express those demons for you. It's not that those demons belong to you personally, they belong to all of us personally as a collective.

Your thoughts, emotions and beliefs don't belong to you. Did you think that was what you were ? You are just a channel, a channel for your divine presence. How could a divine presence be a part of dark and evil things you may ask ? It's just the nature of polarity. The divine essence does not identify with light or dark, it just sees it as motion, or an experience.

An evil person is not an actual evil person, it's just a shadow projection of our collective expression as humans on this planet. The source of that evil comes from our denial of aspects that are at the other end of the polarity scale of light.

The more you choose exclusively the light as a resistance pattern, the more the dark must come up to meet you there. It's a game of polarity and so if you choose to only be the light and not to embrace the dark in your heart then you are participating in the problem. It must come out somehow, it must be expressed somehow, it must be seen at one point. How far will you let it go until you stop denying what is ?

The solution is so simple, so simple it hurts. Just recognition and compassion, that's all. It's easier to have compassion for yourself then to have compassion for an external to yourself serial evil doer, so don't let it get that far.

We collectively created the shadow projections we observe in the world by denying ourselves. Denying our own suffering and refusing to deal and heal with it. If only we would take the time to reject none and embrace all, love all especially ourselves, then the dark would cease to exist, because it's not really real anyways. It's just an experience, a phenomenon of our collective psychy.

What you deny persists remember ? What you fight amplifies that remember ? You cannot stop a war by declaring war on war ! It's insanity ! Only compassion, forgiveness and recognition can end war. The same goes for our inner battle. Don't fight it. Don't shove it in the closet and deny it. Embrace all aspects of our humanity, heal your inner child and let's live in paradise together.

Be both sides of the coin and be whole again, instead of only half a whole resisting the other side.

The crazy thing is that's all we want, to be light, love and live in bliss. Yet we resist the love and compassion that would flow if we embraced our inner demons. The fault is judgement. We judge because we are afraid of being judged which somehow we believe will prevent love from coming our way.

Sin is a lie, it's a fabrication of the shadow projections.

Somehow we have come to a place where we believe we are not love, where we are nothing and that in order to feel love that it needs to be given to us. We think love comes from somewhere outside of us that we don't have access to it unless we earn it and be good little boys and girls.

We only give love in an outwards projection manner when it is given to us to begin with. Really ? When you gave love it didn't come from inside of yourself ? Where did it come from to begin with ? Love doesn't come to you, it is felt in you as you coming from our inner core essence.

Love is not out there, bliss is not out there to be found.

We have been grasping for love, acceptance, and peace from outside of ourselves in the world of the projected reality. As long as we are looking outside of ourselves in the separated reflection of our inner reality, we will remain caught in the lie.

The lie that is we are not that, that we already seek. The lie that we are separate and that such a thing even exists. The lie of polarisation as our identity.

The 3D matrix world is an experience, not a thing. It's a concept not the actual foundation for all existence.

We are infinite beings, divine presence dreaming a reality into fruition. It's an experience and it has come full circle. The time for the integration of all our parts and a return to our heart space is now. It excludes none, especially not the dark. It's just time to fuse and integrate light and dark and to transcend the polarity game into divine blissful existence as the one infinite creator.

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