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RE: My out of body experience

in #spirituality7 years ago

Wow, it sounds like it was truly an amazing experience ... travelling at the speed of light.

As for out of body experiences (OBE), I tend to believe that many enlightened beings have a continuous OBE.

If, as they claim and as seems to be the case, if they have transcended the body and even the mind, then they are most likely in the spirit realm – or at least close to it. And if they are true "beings of light," can we not say that they are moving at the speed of light?


This experience only kick started a continuous chain of events and insights and helped me connect to my Higher Self.
What I have received and learned is that we simultaneously are here on Earth AND in the Spirit realm. In fact, we are simultaneously everywhere but it is only our consciousness and beliefs that keep us in a certain limited perspective. And there is nothing non-enlightening to spend this life actually grounding ourselves in our bodies, honoring them and doing all the amazing things that we can with this wonderful instrument. A lot of "enlightened" people teach to try and transcend the mind and body as if it is not Divine already. As if it wasn't our choice to come down here on Earth and have a human experience in the first place. Many of us so desperately try go go back - reach these higher realms, transcend the body. Why? Are we in denial of why we came here in the first place? Some might actually be really done with their mission and lessons over here so they can rejoin with their source consciousness (which, by the way, is always accessible to us) but some are purely misinterpreting spirituality and it's true meaning. Our bodies are divine instruments. We're here for good reasons. Time to ground our spirituality and root ourselves deeper into Mother Earth or also known as Gaia. We have things to do over here.
We are all beings of Light. So... speed of Light is accessible to all of us. Are we ready to tap into that? :)