
Hey Macey, I stumbled upon you with the Jeff Berwick interview a few days ago. We missed each other at the Anarchapulco event. I came with my dad who I have flown in from the UK to join me there. We also did the Aya ceremony there although not for the first time. The two of us went to Iquitos in Peru in 2014 and stayed there for two weeks. I have a very similar relationship to Aya as you describe. I knew right away I wanted to become a shaman and hold my own space eventually. I want to build a magical retreat and cerimonial center in Costa Rica after getting the money together via crypto. I want to grow the medicine there myself to avoid harming nature through a growing interest in Ayahuasca. But it is still a long way until then. I would love to catch up with you and talk about your experiences in the jungle. I wanted to do the same after Acapulco but I missed my flights and then scrapped the plans for now.

Keep up the good work. Greetings from Costa Rica. Pura Vida.

Namaste, my medicine brother! I have retreats coming up later in the year if you'd like to join us! I'd love to connect with you 🙏🏼