Explore the Depths of You

in #spirituality8 years ago

Psychology often creates a comparison between the mind and an iceberg, where our conscious mind awareness - how we generally experience ourselves in our day to day living - would be the tip of the iceberg sticking out of the water. Most of our mind as all the things that are happening on the deeper levels and layers of our mind, on the subconscious and unconscious, is hiding under the surface of our awareness.

Quantum Change Kinesiology is a tool which assists you to look deeper into the "unknown" of your mind, to see the part of the iceberg hiding underneath what you experience and see within you on a conscious level of awareness. This in itself is from my perspective and experience amazing. Who wouldn't want to have that deeper insight into themselves? Who wouldn't want to see what their mind and body awareness can tell them about who they are?

Interestingly enough, what I have found so far in my work as a Quantum Change Kinesiologist is that in fact the inner self is not necessarily something many people would want to see. In fact it is what we have throughout our lives fought to suppress and hide. There is a reason why most of the iceberg is hidden. It's because there are so many things inside our mind that scare us, that we judge, that make us uncomfortable and that show us a "truth" of ourselves that doesn't align with how we want to see ourselves.

Most people look for a "convenient" and "comfortable" truth. A truth that makes you feel better momentarily and doesn't challenge you to face those parts of you that need to be faced for self-change to be real. QCK doesn't give a sugar-coated version of "you", it opens up what has been hidden and suppressed and shows you with specificity how you within yourself have been limiting and compromising your own potential in mind, body and self.

This is why QCK is uniquely perfect for those who are ready to take on that journey of self-introspection, -realization and -change. Those who understand that in order to change anything, you need to be willing to see, understand and embrace the multidimensional and multilayered existence of that which you're wanting to change. Ready and willing to face and overcome your fears and resistance in relation to whats been hiding in the depths of your mind all your life.

QCK assists and supports you to see and understand the reality of the "iceberg", of it's structure and how it exists, so that you from that platform of understanding and insight have the power and ability to change that iceberg. As you walk the process of bringing to the surface the parts of it that are hidden and it "melts before the sun" as your awareness, you stabilize and clear the "waters" of your self, giving yourself the opportunity to create, change and expand your potential.

explore the depths.PNG

Thanks for reading.

Kim Amourette
Quantum Change Kinesiologist


Followed you hop u follow back and upvote my comment

Followed and upvoted you kishan :) Hope we can both learn from each other and create a network of support!

Very interesting !

Upvoting this and following you back, I agree with the approach. We have to see the things we do not want to look at in order to take a step forward

Awesome reptr, thanks for the comment!