The Oak Tree is in the Acorn

in #spirituality7 years ago

Do you want proof of God and that you are a reflection of God? Maybe it would be easier right now to counter your fear of being negatively judged by the faceless "they" if you changed the word God to Love or Source or Singularity. This may assist in disrupting the Ego's past God associations that make it difficult for you to cut through societies bias that blinds you from even approaching the truth.

Cast your mind back to your understanding of how the time of the cave-dwelling man may have been. The cavemen can be forgiven for seeing themselves as powerless victims and believing they were being persecuted and mocked by a power greater than themselves as the only objects that they sensed around them, were not of their making. They wouldn't have given the source of their existence a second thought and the idea that they were creators just did not exist as there were no objective examples of their construction. Like their surroundings they just were! Even the first book of the Bible - The Book of Genesis uses magical thinking to explain the creation of the Universe, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" in six days.

There is an advertisement for the software simulation game Civilisation. In this particular version of the commercial, Homo sapien man in a sports car handbrake slides up to the Neanderthal man's thatch hut, stopping at the front door of the hut. Of course, in the advertisement, the Neanderthal man and his wife look on in surprise; while I would suggest that the Neanderthal man/woman could not even conceive of the object before them, so it would not register consciously or they would simply fall and pray to the omniscient God before them. This was designed as a humorous account of the simulated development and progress that illustrates the player's role in building a successful civilisation through time. This is a perfect illustration of reality.

All that we have revealed before us now was possible then, however, the people just lacked the thought, they had no concept of themselves as creators because after all the objects that they could sense in the earliest of days were all created prior to the evolution of their consciousness. The Caveman bowed to numerous gods and worshipped the sun and any number of deities. The opportunity for him to connect the dots and say ok I'm in his likeness was just a bridge too far. He had no history of his own thought-creations to project from; so it is understandable that all his perceived suffering was forced on him by some powerful superior force. He saw all bad as being personal and a result of something he had done that the power didn't approve of. He was ever the victim. Most likely the first man's mind was too consumed by the requirements of survival to contemplate his ability as a creator. While modern man doesn't have near the same pressure to survive from moment to moment.
Each advance, since then, has happened in small steps as the mind of man searched deeper down each rabbit hole, captive to the thought. In fact becoming the thought and quickly associating new ideas with each other leading to refinement of the objective creation like dominoes falling at an ever-accelerating pace. For example the discovery of the radio tube that progressed to the transistor then the IC and the microchip IC to atomic level computers.

Obviously, no man had created the animals, minerals and vegetation that the earliest people experienced. Not even contemporary man is arrogant enough to suggest that he created the earth and all its resources. Yet he is arrogant enough to believe that he/she alone has this ability to create an objective reality from a subjective thought, while somehow that part of our objective World not created by his/her hand just magically evolved in a random process that somehow led to a human being that systematically creates. Every day we see unquestionable evidence of a singular power through our own past creative endeavours. It is so obvious now in the 21st Century that I can only conclude that contemporary man is more ignorant than our ancient ancestors who at least suspected a singular creator while today everything is being done to deny such an obvious presence. Yet the evidence is in everything we see around us today.

Just look out your window, actually just look at the window. First, it was a thought within the mind of man, maybe that thought was not acted on initially, it like all thoughts floated around in the ether that is our subjective environment until someone fell in love with the thought and decided it would benefit mankind if it were manifested into the objective world. However, the window was always a subjective possibility waiting to be objectified.

So the proof of a singular creator arises from that same process of objective creation. If everything that you see outside of yourself was made by man from a thought first where did all that man did not create come from? Where did the animals, the trees, the earth come from? Our creator! The singular intelligence. This conclusion is irrefutable to think otherwise is the ultimate arrogance and self-aggrandizement. This affliction is rather common today of course and the source of continued poverty and war that afflicts mankind as those with the power seek to maintain the illusion that some are more worthy by way of their superior breeding. Truth is, by this proof you cannot be denied your inherent personal power. You were conceived with all you need and all the tools of success in equal measure to everyone else. You don't need to add one more thing to yourself as the Oak Tree is in the Acorn and any thought you have that you need to add to what you already are is a thought error. That thought may have originated from a seed planted by another or it may have originated from your own childish interpretation of a traumatic event. However it originated, once you understand this you can cease being a victim and take on your birthright as a creator. Your creation is for you to choose and no business of anyone else. If you wish to experience poverty as a choice that is your right, but at least now you can make that decision consciously rather than unconsciously as a bitter victim.

You were created from the thought of the Almighty, of the same elements as the earth and the sky and all that exists in the universe. Your birthright is that of the creator. You were conceived with all the powers of the most powerful. If you have a lesser interpretation then you are mistaken, it is an error of your earliest interpretation of your environment. Know right now that if you are in the depths of despair it is because you have decided you are unworthy maybe as a result of evidence provided to you by others who have also been misled, thereby perpetuating the lie. Some of your teachers would have been unconscious of this truth others would have perpetuated the illusion to maintain their power. The state and religion have also played a part in perpetuating this fearful image of your environment and your need to be forever striving to improve to fit in and be accepted by your peers. This is necessary for the success of financial system favoured by the most powerful and is no accident. It has been refined over millennia. You must meditate on this proof and accept yourself the truth that will set you free. Once you know this never will you be fearful of any problem. You will know that you, being at conception the embodiment of the entire universe, can overcome any seemingly insurmountable problem. You will also know that you are simply here to have fun creating objective matter from subjective thoughts, at your leisure. The only finite part of you is your physical body that changes daily and has no connection to the child baby you once were. Every cell has died and been reborn in a continuous process of renewal. Know that the thought or i AM that, that is you will live on through ever-expanding eternity while the Ego that is I am will die, as it is an illusion that carries your Christian name made up of memories across your objective timeline. In some ways, this is a sad revelation and in others, it is a powerful creative release. We are an infinite never-ending and connected experience. We are all brothers and sisters under the illusion that we are in some way separate and competing, full of anxiety and fear. Yet we are here to uncover the infinite beauty that is us and all that we sense in perfect harmony. It's a game, not a battle. A game that we can hit reset at any time once we realise that we are born with all we need to prosper and survive. The rest is just there to enslave you in the sleep of living in the past and the future chasing castles in the sand.


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