The Love Force Singularity

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

You are simply a physical creation of the love force that is the Universe. In the 21st Century, it is obvious you were created first from the predetermined intention of the source of all, the singularity known by many as God, Source or Love? Whats stopping you from this realisation, most likely because you don’t want to risk the scorn of your peers for even contemplating the idea that you are part of a single, universal, unlimited, creation power congealed from the light of our Sun. It is uncool to reveal yourself as a believer in a singular superior power.

Perhaps you feel such a belief means you would not be able to harbour thoughts considered by society as being sinful and so you would have to hold yourself accountable and have to live a life of so-called purity, that would be boring. Perhaps you fear being ostracised from your peer group. The group that provides you with a feeling of belonging. This, of course, is another illusion. You are the only one who can give yourself permission that you belong. Giving this power to another or a group is Ephemeral. You need timeless belonging; that flows from within and comes with awakening. You will no longer need another, group or individual, to validate you through outside feedback unless you consciously decide.

Meaningless thoughts are coursing through the ether of our mind ceaselessly. These thoughts concern all manner of subjects and are not exclusive to us. We just tune into a vast repository that is the one mind, we are innocent bystanders as this incessant stream of abundant ideas/concepts flow past. They have no power or meaning. However, because of the way we have constructed the view of ourselves as separate distinct people we think we are the source of these thoughts, some of them eminently evil. This frightens us; we are scared of what evil we can reek on humanity. This fear clams us up, we feel shame because we fail to realise this is not us, but a harmless universal thought without power unless we decide to give them power by focusing on them.

Yet, it is enough to impress on us that we are unworthy and we further shrink into our poor self-construct as we attach meaning to these shameful and limiting thoughts. This attention gives them life because as already stated, our mind will bring into reality whatever we focus our attention on. So unknowingly we create the conditions of shame and lack that we wrongfully think we are but don’t want. The more we don’t want them the more attention they get and the more real they become. All this is happening unconsciously like when driving a car. Ensuring we remain like those others we follow, a small fragment of what we are conceived to be. Likely, the group that validates you is in-fact your greatest hand break.

This is why it is important to realise that the older we get, the more automatic our response, in-fact the longer our life progresses without awareness the more animal like our responses. The thoughts we have harboured in childhood become as instincts are to a Wolf. This is a great thing when you are aware of the process to creating and breaking habits. We then have the choice to set habits in rock and keep others soft like water. This ability will keep you young as you’re able to adapt to the unceasingly changing World around you. Similarly, go through life unconsciously and the world you see into old age will be a strange, broken place as the instincts that you developed in childhood became irrelevant long ago. You will spend your days recounting how things were in the good old days and feel isolated from the people you hold dear. Unfortunately, the day you die you will realise that you were renewed every day yet asleep to this truth.

Not that it really matters because death is the path to conception as the cyclical thought is recreated and life has another go at perfecting the adventure. Of course, “you” of before is lost because it was never real. That was an illusion of emotion and family feedback. Or maybe you carry forward memories and experience through the RNA and DNA of past manifestations. Who knows?

Suffering from wrong thought due to religion is not unique, across the centuries religious leaders in many ways have purposely confused the man-made construct of religion, with the laws of our universe in an effort to control peoples minds. This was likely needed in early civilisations but not today. Rather than teaching the wisdom of the Bible, that heaven and hell are a place in your head, they taught that if you do this then you will go to heaven or that, you will go to hell.

Poppycock, this was just fear-mongering in an effort to control people with fear. Yet the Bible is a book of love. As well, some of the grandest parables are quite unbelievable to people today and so a clearer explanation is needed. You have free will to do as you please, while also accepting the consequences. Do what you like but accept the outcome. Of course, the reality is you will have more fun discovering a single dimension that is you, of a larger expanding dimension with the ability and goal of revealing to all others what is already theirs by pushing their limits knowing there is no negative consequence, only revelation. You are timeless while your self-construct however complete or broken is fleeting. You are conceived of light, you grow, you create, you die. Then with a clean schema, you are conceived of light, you grow…..All because of the Love Force Singularity.
