Reinventing Yourself

in #spirituality7 years ago

Picture the alternative I have described above and suddenly you are released from being the victim of circumstance because you finally realise that you are the creator of that circumstance through your love of particular thoughts of your choosing. Albeit subconsciously via inaccurate self-suggestion or suggestion of society (thought memes). We are all born with the ability and strength to overcome every obstacle through our inherent creative thought when we awake to our own consciousness. After all, we are the Universe embodied, we are conceived with infinite possibility at our fingertips. We are not talking here of some pseudo consciousness of habit where we live in a stale old story that repeats over and over but one where you can see your habits and change them through critical contemporary thought.

You know why your family doesn't listen to your sermons anymore? Because they've heard the same thing repeated over and over across years and years. A continuous loop not unlike a software programme on a computer; that is your subconscious, that is also your Ego in a sleepwalk running on a programme from the past and getting less and less relevant with age. This is what you think is consciousness. Unfortunately for many, the only operating system upgrade they get is after they die. Living in an ever increasing past on your personal finite timeline is an illusion of wrong thought and is not intended to bind you, as is, unfortunately, still the rule rather than the exception in even these apparently enlightened times. In some ways, the accelerating process of uncovering possibilities due to advances in technology is making the Ego illusion even more pronounced. The gulf between one generation to the next is becoming wider as old ideas quickly become redundant.

This redundancy will continue apace until all realise there is only one real moment you can be 100% present and that is right now. Past or future actions may have consequences but you are free to choose a new direction every moment your awareness shifts to now. Fortunately, some do discover their ability to renew themselves every moment and expand with the Universe as they were intended, not bound by their past decisions nor their future dreams. We all have examples of the elderly who seem to remain vibrant and fresh until their death. They live now; not in their head images from a bygone era or constantly in a fantasy of a future desired event which results in them missing the awe that surrounds them now. This habit of living in past and future stories of the mind is what I call being asleep to your life and surprisingly is the norm rather than the exception. People who are awake to this unconscious habit truly believe that they create their own heaven or hell on earth to the degree they maintain conscious thought and see through the tricks of the Ego.

These people are creating their happiness simply by accepting the moment as it is. They realise that they are not only part of everything but that they are endowed with the same power to create as God. They don't need an excuse, or to blame anyone for their situation because they know, they like all others, were conceived with all the tools needed to overcome all their perceived obstacles and thrive equally. They have realised that excuses are no more than limited thought and a failure to see the secret that is already within them, that all things are possible for he/she who has faith. This mindset will only work if you know in your heart that God, Source, Love exists.

Your mind may deny this fact but the proof is all around you. No excuse exists to deny the presence of your own personal power to overcome all suffering and to take your place as a worthy and equal member of humankind. When you realise this no one, however malicious, will convince you that you are unworthy or that you must perform some earthly task before you can take your seat at the table of success. The act of birth is your success, the rest of your life is just to develop your innate skill to play the game of objective creation with those around you and have fun exploring your abilities and taking them to a level of excellence. You choose that level, not someone else, through their veiled suggestion or cajoling in an effort to control you for their benefit.