Have I Gone Completely Mad?

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

How did I get to this point? Let me add a bit of background to how the Ego illusion was revealed to me? A gift I had to be prepared for beforehand, through a number of personally traumatic events (Events you may have handled in a doddle) that forced me to let go trying to direct my life with my past mind and intellect.

I had to stop resisting these events and just be at one with what was around me, accept all that I encountered without attaching any meaning. I had to get to the point where I accepted that "all is as it is meant to be right now" "The world around me is expanding perfectly for the benefit of me and all mankind" and to "see it, don't be it". This is a fact that few grasp and leads them to be in a state of constant anxiety as everything around them is at odds with how they think it should be and how they need it to be before they can be happy.

This error of living becomes more significant the older we get as the world around us is constantly changing with new ideas and discoveries. These new ideas are unlikely to agree with our view of the world formed and embedded in our subconscious when we were children or even young adults. Many older people in our community repeat the idea that the World has gone to hell in a handbasket! The problem is they are using Operating System 3.0 when the World is operating under Operating system 16.0. Until we discover that our Ego is a blueprint for living that is just a model we will all struggle with pain and see this world a living hell. Until we awake to the fact that our identity is not who we are then we will slowly turn into a rock that is constantly being buffeted too and throw by the winds of change.

So the Ego is a pretty big deal, a bigger deal than it deserves. It thinks it's the boss, when in fact it's just a tool to make your life easier. It's meant to be your slave, yet thousands of years of abuse by civilisations who discovered that the mind of man could be controlled if the program was fed to it from birth, has left you with limited capacity to achieve serenity. This knowledge rendered great advantage and the ability to farm vast amounts of labour for the benefit of a few with the knowledge. leaders. Unfortunately, it was discovered that because it carries our name, called the most important thing to each of us by Dale Carnegie in "How to Win Friends and Influence People" it provided the programmer with full control over your mind during your most productive years. Our Ego and our identity are inseparable.

Not understanding this is the foundation of human limitation and failure to fully realise your full power as a creator. The best analogy I can think of is that it’s like driving a car; initially, there’s lots of pain and anxiety and disbelief that anyone can control the beast of a car. As we persist and conquer our self-doubt and loathing (It sux to be me) it becomes part of our automatic subconscious control system it just happens without thinking this is great if it's working like a well-oiled machine and the model is accurate, However if it’s founded on bad data then expect to crash - often. Think about this morning when you drove to work - how much of the actual driving part do you remember. Chances are you left home and then found yourself at your desk. Like the time never happened. This is the same with your ego. It forms a well-worn groove and things just happen. Remember those things that spark your anger. Someone pulls out in front of you - this shakes you from your sleep and you suddenly are faced with reality an actual moment and what do you do you scowl someone has dared to break into your sleep and shake you awake. Those important thoughts of the past or future are lost while you are faced with the real physical world.

I'm sure if your own Ego illusion has been programmed with the top of the shelf routines and you've had nothing but massive success then you may never have the pleasure of discovering the truth of Duality. You will live your life on earth completely congruent with the Ego that carries your name. This may be how its meant to be, perhaps it is a mistake that some of us realise that we are not as we seem; we are much more. We are everything and everything is us. Each one of us is a separate dimension within a single moment that is connected instantaneously. Each moment not bound by the one before it offering a brand new opportunity to create a masterpiece from a fresh palette overflowing with colour and potential. Potential equivalent to who you are at conception, a model of the universe embodied. Only limited by the idea that we are what is reflected in our bathroom mirror nearly always oblivious to the fact that we extend through the ether to touch everything and everywhere at once. Only coming close to our true magnificence in those moments when our breath is taken away by some awe-inspiring scene or event. It is in those moments that we are one with the moment and our true identity is revealed. The fact that we recognise magnificence and majesty are the moments of grace which prove that we are one with it. Otherwise, we could not recognise it.
