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RE: Law of Attraction & Polarity: learn to change your life forever 🎉

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

"Until you can make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate"
--- Carl Jung

Yes. This is an excellent piece man. I really enjoyed it. I like the depth with which you dealt with the topic. There are two approaches to visualizing your intent. One is needy, desperate. The other is happy, vibrant.

This is a three-dimensional presentiation of a tough topic that’s often only dealt with and discussed as: “JUST THINK POSITIVE.”

This is meaningless until we have true happiness inside and face our shadows.

Cheers, my friend.

~ KafkA


Great to get your feedback! Written with a happy vibrant intention for all steemians willing to give it a try ;)

Turned 71 today... now for the post that must come with it. Hoping it doesn't get flagged into oblivion for speaking out about the excessive flagging I have seen going on recently. If only these flaggers spent a bit more time focused on finding the posts they enjoy rather than finding the posts they don't!

All the best to you 🏄🏻

The continuation of this series was posted moments ago:

Hope you don't mind me letting you know like this!

Seems the simplest way.