A response to an inquiry, to be updated with exact scripture ref

in #spirituality7 years ago

RE: What's The Point? Considering Giving Everything Up
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What's The Point? Considering Giving Everything Up
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19 hours ago

joshuabergin 25 in spirituality
JESUS CHRIST IS THE CREATOR GOD, JEFF! Our righteousness is as filthy rags! BTC is a precursor to the Mark of Beast. Behold no man should buy trade or sell except he that hath the mark. Jeff I think you know earth is flat. Scriptures declare it. Tower of Babel featured at minimal estimates according to Jasher 100 square mile base. A top whose tower may reach into heaven! They ascended quite a ways before the Lord God confounded their language. Nimrod was that King. Nimrod is the King that fell by a wound to the head, and was, and is not, and will return. JEFF, READ A KJV. Not NewKJV or NIV or anything else. Jeff check out Eccleciastes! Everything IS VANITY, written by King Solomon who probably possessed 10000X your wealth. Had he also 1000 wives & concubines. Meaningless he wrote! The whole duty of man is to fear God and follow his commandments.
Jeff I'm not surprised you've reached this point. And the LOVE I feel for you as a human being and your spirit invigorates many of us.
Jeff, scripture says in these last days the knowledge will greatly increase. Scripture says the Lord will send a great delusion that those who would would believe a lie and be condemned, and more so that even the very elect would be deceived, if it were possible.
The things coming down the pipe in the near future. What are your thoughts on ACChain? The 9000 acre purchase and digitalization of property through a private block chain? IMF will link to SDR and a restructure in the midst of the ultimate false flag, a world wide alien invasion.
Jeff. Read the Bible. Every knee shall bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. How often do we say "god damn it" or "jesus" or "I swear to god". Though some utter these things doubting divinity, their very mouths do declare truth.
I say the KJV for sooo many reasons. In short, Psalms 4:6 the Words of the Lord are pure words and silver tried in a furnace of earth purified SEVEN times. You can do a purebiblesearch.com on a number of words and phrases that appear only in the KJV in MULTIPLES OF SEVEN. Jesus 973. Forgive 56. Sanctify 70. 70 Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts (7x10)
70 Sanctify (7x70)
77 In Christ (7x11)
77 Baptize + Baptized + Baptizest + Baptizeth + Baptizing (7x11)
77 Passover & Passovers (7x11)
77 Church (7x11)
98 Seven Days(') (7x7x2)
133 Tabernacle of the Congregation (7x19)
196 Son of Man (7x7x4)
196 Jesus Christ (7x7x4)
203 God of Israel (7x29)
245 Lord of Hosts (7x7x5)
************** I have a personal list of 300+ words and phrases.
Holy men of God wrote as the Spirit gave utterance. 40+ authors. 66 books. 1611 KJV Bible, the language updated in the Authorized Version (KJV) but never a root word changed!
DID God really say? This is the lie of the deceiver. That's why we have 500+ bibles in English.
Read Genesis Jeff, history of the world. The real truth Jeff.
Praise God for this opportunity to speak to you.
Jeff. I believe. I witnessed a miracle at a young age cause my dad prayed for it. I've been seeking this stuff out all my life. 32 now. I don't eat pork. I don't work the Sabbath. I do my best.
We are saved by grace alone through faith, not by our works, lest any man should boast.
644 Children of Israel (7x92)
You can go escape if you want to. But I pray the Lord reveal himself to you. He gave us his Word and Himself.
When you read the bible, His spirit will witness to your spirit that It is the Truth.
God bless you Jeff Berwick.
Joshua Bergin.