What's The Point? Considering Giving Everything Up

in #spirituality7 years ago

I returned from a trip to Europe where I fell off my routine of diet and exercise... and very quickly fell back into depression.

I decided to return to Anarchapulco and went for a walk with the dogs and considered what happened... and came to the conclusion that, in general, nothing material, or of this Earth, interests me much anymore.

One of the reasons I realized this is because I used to get somewhat excited to travel to new places. But on this trip I wasn't excited at all... if anything I was just depressed. And it made me realize that almost everything I used to enjoy, I no longer do.

That led me to pondering about ditching all material items, quitting everything I do and going to live in the forest alone in China... surely to be quickly known as "crazy gwai-lo".

You can see my thought process here:

  • (on a sidenote, I have been trying to upload this video to https://dtube.video but it keeps crashing when I try to upload. If anyone knows why please let me know in the comments below as I'd much rather use DTube than YouTube)

I've since spoken to my wife about these thoughts and we may have come up with a plan for me to try out this lifestyle of living alone in the woods, fasting and with nothing for a bit before I decide to do it fully or not. More on that possibly soon. (Or if you don't hear from me for a few weeks that is probably why)

There are 3 pages

As a perpetual traveler of 3 years now (with my family), we have given up everything (home, possessions, some investments), to travel the globe. I homeschool my kids from the road and they are working a homeschool project that they will eventually turn into some kind of business - when more business is done on the blockchain (which you know isn't too far away now).

While we are free of most "normal" possessions (other than the 1 suitcase and 1 backpack we each carry), we are not free from inconvenience that not having a landing pad with "things" brings. There are trade offs. We used to think not having "things" made us feel more free as we weren't attached to physical possessions. We used to think it allowed us to focus more deeply on our relationships to one another, our passions, our projects - and being free of possessions freed up energy to be focused in other places (like healing/health). We've learned along the way that it's not really the act of being possessionless that gives us the freedom and connection we desire - it's our lack of attachment to external material things/distractions that we used to expect to make us happy. Instead we try to focus on gratitude, sincerity and curiosity.

We recently went through a period of what I call "winter". My son was diagnosed with Epilepsy and he was restricted from swimming, hiking, bike riding - anything physical that might endanger him if he were to go into a seizure. Here is a kid (then age 12), already with a learning disability, who had already given up everything to travel and explore the world, suddenly with another disability, now on anti-seizure meds, wondering what you are wondering right now - what's the point?

While we (as a family) struggled with these new challenges (and mood swings), we focused in on what we could do in the present moment to shift into a more connected, heart centered space. We tapped into his inner passions about life - what brought him joy. When he "didn't know", I had him write letters to himself in the future thanking himself for a, b, c.....future forcasting his greatest joys/inspirations. We found everyday activities to be thankful for and wrote them out - For example: "I am so happy and grateful that I was able to walk to the coffee shop today without symptoms" or "I really appreciated the time I spent playing by myself today". Even if the gratitude felt menial, we included it. We invited questions into our awareness like, "I wonder what it would feel like/be like to....(fill in the blank)".

Everyday moments met with conscious gratitude and curiosity provided the kind of personal connection we all needed to move through that winter. Those exercises also helped us to vision their current homeschool project. To date, the kids have now produced 3 children's books and an upcoming music CD they composed music for to accompany their future comic book series. Had we not taken the time to go deep within, who knows if these inspired ideas would have surfaced.

So, in my experience, it wasn't the lack of physical/monetary possessions that helped us answer the question, "What's the point" or "What's my purpose?". It's been more the continued cultivation of gratitude, sincerity, humility and curiosity. It's the attitude and sincerity with which the questions of the mind are invited to be answered by the deeper levels of our awareness (heart/soul).

I don't believe the answers are in the woods, my friend. Wherever you go - there you are. It's all within.

Great point. I live in Alaska where people come from all over to live secluded in the woods. Many have given up everything. Some find the answers and peace they were looking for, some don't but it was never the woods that gave it to them. It was within.


Material possessions only POWER what we are DEEP within. So if anything, material possessions help FACILITATE what we are at core.

For example, I envision a life where I don't have to trade my time for money and explore life on different planes...while my friends who are born into money who can do these things are AFTER more money...so you are absolutely RIGHT, it is not the possessions, it is our core that needs introspection!

Thank you for sharing!

You have a touching story, but please let me ask you how you manage all the expenses to have such a "free life", considering also all the problems? From time to time I am also dreaming for such a freedom, but it seems this lifestyle is suited only for wealthy people. But if you depend on a bank account you are not really free, isn't?

I was 22 when I went traveling the world , and have been for the last 25 years or so - I walked away with $700 in my pocket, and never looked back ( admittedly I have stayed single, and with no kids- somakes the logistics much easier)
I have had an amazing ride !

You are a star.

@cm1 Just wondering if you have looked into using CBD for your son. It provides many benefits in relation to neurological issues. You might like to look up https://pluscbdoil.com/

@birdsong, yes, my son takes cbd's (where it's been "legalized"). Some countries we visit do not allow the use of cbd's - even if they are over the counter cbd's from the states (like Native Hemp or CW Botanicals). So this has presented new challenges in how/where we travel and/or for how long we travel. While cbd's are incredibly helpful, they do not eliminate all the seizures. We've been dialing in his nutrition while he also has been on the ketogenic diet. To date, with combined nutrition, keto and cbd's, he has seen a 50% reduction in seizure activity and about an 80% reduction in seizure related symptioms (aura's, etc). I'll check out the link you sent . Thanks so much! :)

Yeah, you may not want to visit Australia too soon. The government here is so pro big pharma and anything that actually works becomes illegal. Doesn't help when the prime ministers wife is on the board of a pro vaccine creating company. As to your son, make sure you are using the correct concentration. I believe the gold blend from pluscbd is very good and then it's simply a matter of increasing the dosage until you get the desired result. Might be worth contacting them directly to get some guidance. Also, I forgot to mention, if you use the code RSB15 you'll get a 15% discount. It's a discount given to Robert Scott Bell listeners (I'm one of them) who are big promoters of pluscbd. Robert's podcasts are well worth subscribing to.

All the best.

Awesome inspiration. Going to try thatt one day

This is fantastic. Thank you.

Well written! It is a difficult illness to deal with and I wish anyone who is, all the best.

THANK YOU for sharing that. We chucked the city life to become farmers, and that is not really going that well. The thought of "Liquidate and go gypsy" haunts me at times. I appreciate your input VERY much...

Deep and yes!!!! you are right, the attachment itself if the thing.

IDEA: it's a myth your son shud restrict physical acticity--that doin so is going to MASSIVELY accelerate the decline of his human animal body. and idea that your brain computer is brainwashed to be going to doctors. cheers :)


      The reason for your relapsing back into depression is because of you living in a victim mentality and separation consciousness.  The moment you realize that you are no better than those bankers, criminals, fraudsters, regulators and the cabal; and accept that you are equal with them, you are one with all, despite some taking a different life path, your life fufillment feeling and purpose will start rising up in life. No one can make you feel happy but you. It is only when you can accept all, you have the power to change some. It is in the giving of it all up where all of it could be had.  Trust me I am speaking from experience. I was you not that long ago.

Didn't sound that convincing actually what you said, because we're still here in the world and there wasn't any foundation given in your comment to cause anyone to believe it. Just say why it's true, or tell everyone why we're all guilty of all these crimes, or innocent. Explain it to help people understand. Not being sarcastic, I'm just asking you to explain why it's true.

Try your son's medication. Just take it for awhile and see how you feel. It's important. It might let you understand something really important about your Son.

D.tube doesnt work for me either it is still under-going alot of maintenance. And I just had a white sausage with sauerkraut. And Jeff, you do not have to restrict your lifestyle to what you can and cannot drink or eat to find fulfillment. Look at the laws of God and Christ and you will find complete fulfillment. Meditate on the Gospel and you will know...
Matthew 15:11
"What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them "

Good post thanks for sharing !!

In other words eat meat!

No, eat vegetables. Being vegan isn't the problem.

Ouch 😂


The original teaching of the Christ includes NOT eating or killing meat.

MMMMMMM NO. Jesus was a jew so he ate lamb or goat for passover.

MMM YUP. Most of the current bible is bullshit. There are 2 'gods' in the bible. One of them is the devil. Do you know which part?

Read: The targum, The gospel of 12. You will find most of the bullshit in christianity is in fact, bullshit. The truth is also contained within, but takes great discernment to tell both. In those books, you will see that we in fact not to kill animals or eat them. One of the CORE rules. Lambs and Goats refer to types of people. Not food. The Jesus (Hey-Zeus) is the counterfeit Jesus, or plastic jesus. I'd suggest you read a bit more you are misinformed.

Seriously all we need in life is some shelter, food, water and things we love to do mostly outside. Just doing the things you love sharing it with others is all we need but instead we work our butts off for things we think we need in order to fill that cap which is honestly free to us.

Thanks for sharing

Jeff you are obviously a talented guy and I do feel like I get where you are coming from. No one can know your path but you, but it seems you need a new challenge and you are not sure what horizons are left to conquer. The internal path is useful and you are already on it. What lifestyle can compliment it?

I wonder if it would be helpful for you to have an art form to externalize the internal path you are on. Allow yourself to create something beautiful to share with the world as you become more conscious.

I wonder if you have ever considered being land holder/owner. It seems like you have the resources and intellect to be successful in such an endeavor. Being a good steward to this earth is in great need. It can be fulfilling as nature is the best teacher. I do believe land can be both productive and harmonious with nature. This is one of the arts I am currently devoted to. It is challenging but that is what keeps it engaging.

Just a thought I felt like offering up. Like I said only you know your path. But it is difficult to find some woods to live in these days. Most land is private and the state doesn't want you squatting on their land either. Might as well own a part of the forest where you can build your hermit shanty. Your monk's cave.

With the right time and intention that space could be used to heal others as well as yourself. Nothing is more healing than helping others heal.

I would say try cycling, it's really great for your mental health. The combination of endorphins and riding through beautiful scenery away from the city really works wonders. You will sleep great and be fitter than you've ever been. The app Strava is great for it as well as you can monitor your progress and strive for improvements.

It's all part of the process of healing brother.

The first step is identifying, acknowledging, and even communicating the emotions that are coming up, which helps us find out where they are coming from. You've been doing this for quite some time; I watched it in you back when I just subscribed to Anarchast, and I've seen it more clearly as I've gotten to know you better.

It's easy to think that you've fixed your depression when you are on a streak of eating right, staying clean, and communicating with loved ones, but there are always going to be low points as well. In the sine-wave of our lives, there will always be peaks & troughs. The process for me, has been of elevating & balancing the wave so my highs and lows get less extremely different, and are both a little higher each time.

When those troughs come, it's important to keep moving forward, get back on your mindfulness of body and what you put in it, keep asking for support, guidance, and healing, and realize that those are the opportunities for the most trauma to be let go, and released from your field. Sitting with the sadness, not being attached or judgmental of it, just observing it, feeling it, letting it pass, and giving thanks for its presence and the lessons it brings.

These waves of depression (in my experience) are generally ripples from some old trauma, and by feeling the pain, we let it flow through and pass from us instead of fighting/ignoring/fleeing and keeping it around to come up again & again.

I would love to talk when you have some time, I'll reach out of FB. I'm hear to listen, and I've got quite a bit of personal experience & tools for I've found for this healing journey (the most important part of our activism IMHO).

I HIGHLY recommend reading Radical Forgiveness, it will help. Even just the story at the beginning ("Jill's Story", not the foreward) is quite powerful & healing on its own.

I love you brother

You are beautiful
You are powerful
You are free

Man...that quick...you said it was only a few days...I think qhen feeling like that...perhaps reflect on the journey...Realise how far you came. That usually helps me realise that reverting back to my old self or old ways is not an option.

Well it sounds like the possibility of going to live in the woods alone, even if it is not a permanent thing but something that you do as a sort of 'reset' for yourself might not be such a bad idea... sort of like a retreat of sorts?

You might find that just doing that every once in a while is enough to shift your perspective on life etc.

Just my thoughts 😉👌😁

I say do it. Even just to try it for a week or so.

I will eventually do this myself. Live in a cave somewhere for a while.

I think it would be a cleansing experience.

For reading material you sound like you would like "Holographic Universe," by Michael Talbot.

It's fantastic volume on the nature of consciousness and reality. A very different book.


King Solomon in the bible talked about it as well.
The wises man in the world. Everything is a chase of nothing

Regardless of your religious beliefs, I recommend that anyone in such a state of mind read the book of Ecclesiastes. It offers valuable perspective as well as validation to those who are ready to brush aside the distractions and struggle with the concept of meaningful life.

Ya for sure, do it. I know iv'e considered it myself. However, you will be depriving the world of your growing influence if you do. Anyway, Hope the best for you, whatever you choose.

Hi Jeff, I think you should just go on with what you are doing and what you are good in. You are talking about feeling depressed for 5 days now, isn't this totally normal? I seen you very enthusiastic and happy for months. Life is always up and down, I think everyone needs down days to be able to enjoy good days later on, no matter how good your life is.

I think best advice is to make important decisions after a few days doing your things (interment fasting, vegan ect.) and when you feel better. Also consider that a new lifestyle can bring a lot of good things, but won't make life perfect. Down periodes will come back always I suspect, even in a good life and lifestyle.

You might be over thinking life Jeff. Thinking is good, but not if it makes you depressed. There might not be a purpose of everying, things do not have to hold any deeper meaning.

Maybe you could just be mindful and focus on love? Take a break from the internet and all digital devices and just be? Focus on just being and let life, your dogs, your wife etc. amaze you.


Feel free to send me any Bitcoin that you don't want anymore!

Marijuana is a depressant when used in a chronic way , i have seen how stoned you are and it reminds of me of me a few years ago. With everything there is use and abuse, and daily use of a marijuana is an addiction like any other and does cause depression. Don't get upset with me for sharing my opinion, sometimes everyone can see what is going on except the person in the problem.

I rarely ever do MJ... when have you "seen how stoned" I am? I get a fair amount of people who have said in the last year I look stoned a lot... but I'm not.. .that's just how I look.

i saw you chuffing a joint in the stateside show recently. maybe your medicinal cannabis leaf with breakfast aids the look. Anyway thank you for your input useful as ever, you seem to have the midas touch. Q, how do i appy for libre land citizenship......and when could i realistically move there?

Technically, you contribute €5000 and you qualify for citizenship but they're really after motivated, influential people so just putting down money doesn't guarantee anything. At least, going by various posts on https://liberland.org/en/forum/

my apology - i called it as i saw it - very glad your not addicted to daily use of any drug. Please don't hold it against me, i was wrong and admit it.

Amen to that.

Answer is simple, transition might be hard.... it's Jesus... the way, the truth and the life. Everything else is vanity. It's because we are not just a flesh but also soul and spirit. World cannot satisfy your whole being, definitely not in long-term and in the process it will often enslave you. Spiritual ways are also mostly Satanic so they can feed your soul and spirit for a while with something special for a while but if it' s not Jesus, therefore it will lead your soul to destruction sooner or later. Solitude in nature is good because you're closer to God's creation without worldly distraction however it's still not God Himself therefore that peace is conditional and your soul will suffer eventually as well - in some sense it is just kind of survival mode. You are here to spread Kingdom of God and to have living God in you. Then all your being will start to be satisfied without pathogenic addictions. But for that you need to be born again first.

I can sense your vibe, I believe this will help, just one minute will make a huge difference

Weisswurst, yeah it's awesome. Not so good for ya. And yes, the Munich airport is really nice. You're funny man. 'It's just OK'. You're having a Karl Pilkington moment like when he went to the Great Wall of China and said it was just OK. Life isn't always supposed to be super thrilling. I think you're doing just fine. Good post.

Your self awareness is rising fast @jeffberwick... maybe to fast. Before doing something drastic like that, give it a year or two. Things tend to change.

Going to deep into that kind of consciousness thinking can create a reality that we might think we want but not what we really want after going through it.

I'm just doing some crazy talk today 😂🙌🏼

I completely agree with you @stackin because when I dived deep into consciousness the same exact thing happened to me and I actually can still kinda relate.

@jeffberwick This will help you - watch this https://www.facebook.com/1100430585/videos/vb.1100430585/10209967751125956/?type=3&theater

This guy completely had me. I love this man, except there's something fucking awful that happens to us when we choose the materialism cookie which he left out, because it's not the glam cookie, it's the body identification cookie. As soon as you see that cookie, everything becomes ugly, because here, we're destined to die. Everyone's body, ages and decays and dies. Everyone knows that but they block it out, and for an excellent reason, because it causes blunt and excruciating psychological pain. That's not dramatic at all it's an understatement of the reality of pain everyone has to go through here as a body or as an identity. We can't think about it, or else we have to live in terror. But the thinking about it is where we find the choice, life of the mind, or death of the body. If material things matter, who do they matter to. IDK, I plan to watch this guy though, he's pretty much on point as far as I can see. I'm sorry to have epiphanies in the comment section. I hadn't thought of it before I saw @awarenessraiser's video, but it's plain to me now.

I'm completely firm on my statements about the extent of pain in our lives. If you'd like to come back to me as a body identifier, saying it is all okay because death is a one time thing and aging doesn't have to be so bad, well think of the vulnerability of it. If anyone is identified with their body even just as their physical self, they're fucked, because guess what you could get raped, stabbed, imprisoned then shanked, tortured, starved, shot, dismembered, disintegrated, and on and on. And it's an even greater liability if you take pride in it. If you identify with the body to closely, you could and often will be, humiliated, rejected, criticized, abandoned, and those are all I can think of. There's no end to the psychological pain of body identification. And that's why people go "crazy" and choose the life cookie. They see the end and they go the other way, nothing more, there's nothing special about it, it's practical and in-exclusive, anyone can do it. I haven't even touched on the effects of viewing other people as their bodies, but it's the same effect in reverse. In case you wanted to know, the moment I differentiated from this person, Jonathan Amaret, was when he said truth is different for each person. Truth is true, and nothing else is true. That's the truth.
I'll tell you all what it's like to be a narcissist someday, in these terms. Just a joke. Just choose the life cookie and none of it will matter. Sorry if I ruined the death cookie for you.

I especially like it's all choice and consequences

It was crashing on me earlier just trying to watch videos. Think it's just new and can't handle bandwidth yet.

Hang in there Jeff! It's probably just a dipp. Thanks for sharing your innermost thoughts.

It sounds fun to live in china

Dont put so much stress on being perfect, because when you fuck up, and will it will make you feel a lot more like shit, just try to do the best you can, and kno once in a while you will eat like shit, or smoke , or do drugs but thats okay, if you say you will never do them then relapse you put so much pressure on yourself so you will feel like shit... If you really wana cure your deppression, help other people out homie, there are many people that would kill to be in your spot, if you think you got it all, go to fucking a village were there is no food to eat, and set them up some shit so they can be sustainable , i guarentee you will be happy if you do that, help others that are less fortunate... Peace you will be sweet bro strive and prosper , look at the positives what you do have, gratitute , helps..

Yep. Agreed.

This is so true, there is nothing in this material world that can give lasting hope and contentment to spiritual beings. Those of us who have not had our conscience seared by dulling our senses in order try to fit in in this world system acutely feel the missing puzzle pieces to our soul.

There are many counterfeit paths to peace that compete for our attention. Some have shunned material pursuits, turning to relationships and have had some more success, but these too fail to satisfy. Maybe the partial peace we can have from cultivating relationship with other spiritual beings hints at the truth.
Each of us, in the realm of what we believe, are on a path of our own choosing. No matter our circumstances or history, we all control absolutely what we believe.
If we were created for a purpose, then I don't believe we will be truly content until we begin to fulfill that purpose. I have come to the conclusion that we were created by a creator who's purpose for us is to be in relationship with him. We the created have severed our bond to the creator and caused general destruction and mayhem in the earth that he gave us, but there is hope...
He has provided us a path to re-forge the bond that was broken, and that path was blazed by his own son, known to us as Jesus of Nazareth.
Others may have their own path, but I only speak of my own experience. Nothing in this life or experience brought me to peace and rest until I accepted that the cross and miraculous resurrection of Christ were meant as a lifeline to me personally, and to everyone who chooses to take it.
Now that the missing puzzle piece of my soul is in place, every good thing in this life has inspired gratitude, and every struggle has inspired hope, patience, and peace. In every way I feel content and am at rest. Free of my own conflict, I now find it eminently easier to find the capacity to help others.
I encourage you on your path, and I pray that wisdom guides you and leads you to truth, peace and rest.

As the one who spent time with Jeff in Serbia, and saw first-hand what he experienced I would strongly suggest that he gets on the 40 day fast in a retreat. He just wasn't happy or excited about anything. It's because he worked on his spiritual self, but still wanted to find that excitement in external and material.
If you are interested in what inspired Jeff to talk about all of this, check out my post about meeting Jeff and hanging out with him in Belgrade.


Pull yourself together ... maybe you feel a lack of purpose in life? Living in the woods ... lol --- maybe you should just concentrate on having new experiences... a camping expedition, explore the unexplored...

Don't do it! Resist! I gave everything up sold all my material possesions, broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years. And decided to be a nomad and start 100% from scratch. I literally got myself to Santa Cruz and slept in a cardboard box in the rain with just a spliff and a lighter. No id nothing. Life like you said sucks anyways don't make it harder on yourself. Everyday I look in the mirror and think man I should just stop doing this stupid pointless shit but then I look at the bigger picture and kids if I ever decide to have them in this shit. What do I want them to see me doing and will it even be worth someone seeing. I doubt being a nomad with no money and just connections would be a roll model to look up to. Society has so many rules once you realize if you were invisible there are none you start to appreciate what some of them were supposed to be based on. Not for others but for yourself and self control. When you walk into a corporation and buy a bottle of booze you are supporting that business. When you go in and steal a bottle it is hurting their revenue. When you walk in and dont do either you are making a business decision for yourself and whatever company you choose to. Just like a boss walking down his isles any product he can choose to consume or pass on either way hes gonna be paying for it in the morning. You gotta think what would be worth it tomorrow?

Don't do it. China is a communist country and sooner or later you'll have a government official messing up your lifestyle. Keep it simple in Mexico

Thank you for being so open about what you are feeling. It is good to know I am not the only person going through this. I think many are.

check this out @bitdollar,

cool post!

I think you'd agree Jeff, that life is about balance. Could it be that by cutting out so many "bad things", you've actually just deprived yourself and your overall happiness is suffering?

Smoking is bad for your health, that's obvious, but a cigarette here and there isn't gonna poison or kill you. The same with alcohol, junk food, tv, gambling, etc.

I think it's actually silly to claim anything is inherently bad. They can all be used to your benefit or detriment. Lot's of people claim that money is evil, yet you don't believe that because you understand it's a tool.

@jeffberwick Thank you Jeff for the coincidental nature of this post. This exact same thing is happening to me right now. I feel a sort of self sabotaging force acting on me. My journey to wellville and paradise is approaching the 1 year mark in a matter of days, and I think I'm self exploring my own demons. Much love to you and your journey. We are all in this together. Namaste

At least you got a choice now, charity is one thing, giving everything up is what monk would do, not sure you wanna go that far

Wherever you go, there YOU are.

The only thing ever happening is the present moment, everything else is a mental construct. We are either using those mental constructs or they are using us. Egoless observation in the present moment is the only way to find bliss.

Read "The Power of Now" and "Practicing the Power of Now" and even "A new Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff of the Jungle

Friend of you and me



I just want to toss out some ideas...

  1. What you and your wife were thinking - going without material things for a temporary spell sounds like the way to go. Try working on an automotive parts assembly line for a day, week, month or year would be ideal. If that doesn't make you yearn for your old routine again - I'm not sure what will. But DON'T divest of your assets! NOT necessary! Just lengthen your assembly line career a bit longer longer.

  2. Consider having your own kid. It changes one's perspective and gives you something to live for. Clooney did it late in life. You can too? I'd love to see you walking your son or daughter down that road for you morning walk. And the dogs.

  3. Trust me - any day that you're not suffering from cancer or some serious injury, and you're not hurting for necessities like food - is a Fecking GREAT Day. Be grateful. If the sun is out, bonus.

  4. Take up some hobby that's fun. Golf? Gardening? Cooking? (my wife and I love watching these night time cooking shows and trying to replicate it...)

You've done some amazing things Jeff. Stockhouse. But starting to cover BTC at $3 beats even that. You helped early investors a hell of a lot and deserve to be contented.


God, this made me laugh! Totally unexpected..

if you need cheering up, cheer someone up.
if you need inspiration, inspire someone.

Dtube is down for a bit it seems, Just repost it tomorrow on there! But dont give up, get back into that bible, get back into the work out routine, and get on that alkaline nutrisioush diet we need ya out here!

Welcome to the club, Jeff! We know this feeling all too well. Laurel Glaze put everything into perspective. Please read her blog at: https://50shadesofpissedoff.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/how-i-woke-up/

Bro you gotta break out of this funk. Find something to challenge you, get out of your routine. Go do something that will scare the shit out of you, for me that would be skydiving. Finally start that anarchist community like you tried doing a few years back. Find something that will inspire passion.

Very nice post @Jeffberwick

Taking a break from the diet and exercise is very important. I find that the first time back to the gym after a long break very refreshing.

you're at a good place (even if it feels terrible) ... something good new within you is about to be born. Hang on!

It's almost as if it's becoming do or die time amongst individuals regarding which side of the vibrational spectrum they respectively need to choose to settle into.

I am someone who has quit some addictive substances in my life. In the early part of my recovery I was trying to fill the gap by doing many thing that was suggested to me. Yet this did not made me happy there was a big viod and I felt my life was useless. As I move on I realise that I was deppress and can't be happy finding happiness. I started to try living my life commited to others happiness and it works till today and I find satisfaction.. I hope our readers understand what I'm saying.

My Dtube shit the bed twice as well, growing pains I guess. Remember, the biggest creatures on earth eat greens. As we get older, stuff, becomes less important. Be well my friend.

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