Got a Haircut: Why I Like Change

in #spirituality7 years ago

I am a mother. I am a son. I am a doctor. I am a lawyer. I’m musical. I’m tall. I’m short. I’m American. I’m French. I am Jewish. I am Christian. I am black. I’m gay. I am celibate. I’m depressed. I’m happy. I’m married. I am this. I am that.
We know ourselves only in relation to something. We only know a qualified “I.” When we say “I am” the mind demands “What am I? I am what?”

-Jean Klein

I think it's important to change our life up a bit every once in a while, things like getting a haircut, changing the types of exercise we do, traveling, and adjusting our daily habits can show us that materially, we are always changing. Our thoughts, our focus, our bodies, and our environments are constantly in flux. There is no stopping the flow of life.

I feel like sometimes we lose sight of that, we sometimes try to tell ourselves who and what we are, we box ourselves in and lose our natural state. We're so busy trying to act a certain way that sometimes we get in the being ourselves. It's hard to really relax when you're trying to hold onto who you think you are. It can stop us from really seeing where we are in life, and taking full responsibility for it. At least that's been my experience.

A quick change up in appearance or habit reminds me to remember how nothing can truly be defined, because it is always changing, whatever it is. We are never the same from one moment to the next. It's pretty amazing.

God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another.

Thanks for reading, now go treat yo'self


Right blog.Its a reality of life.@jakeybrown

[jakeybrown] thanks! have a nice day!

Is this your son? he looks identical to you!

Daughter, she she has her mom's smile, a solid mix of the two of us!

nice haircut