According to ancient Indian wisdom, the timeline of the world's existence is divided into four parts.
The First one was called Satya Yuga or Truthful period. This period was ruled by honesty and truthfulness. People were healthy, 32 feet tall, big built and honest. They were virtuous, pious and lived for one lakh years.The weather was pleasant and people were happy.There were no agriculture and mining activities, as the food and other essential things needed, was available in plenty, as and when you wished for it.They used to have thousands of children. Life was peaceful and serene. Their main pastime was meditation and penance.
The Second period was known as Treta Yuga. This period started the slow decline in the values of people. The climate variations started, the life span got reduced to maximum ten thousand years. The physical abilities and their size started reducing.The Emperors and Kings started emerging, mine and yours concept came in vogue.
The Third era was known as Dvapara Yuga - the period of corruption of values, selfishness, jealousy, hatred and ego, became the habits of citizens. The life span got reduced to few centuries. The Emperors, Kings concept started to dominate throughout the world. The physical size got reduced considerably.
The Fourth and final period is known as Kali Yuga, in which we live today. Our life span is an avarage of one hundred years. We live the life of an animal and are as greedy as a pig. We are obsessed with acquiring wealth by hook or crook. Our standard of height got reduced to seven feet.
The final phase of Kali Yuga has just started, the life of people is going to undergo drastic changes, we will be losing all values, dog eat dog will be the order of the day. At the end of this period, the life span will get reduced to a maximum of twelve years. The height of the humans will be only ONE feet.
I am sure we all love to be in the Satya Yuga or Truthful period. Whatever we wanted for our consumption, will materialize from thin air. Our life will be one of bliss and serenity. We will work hard for noble causes, make everyone happy and peaceful.
P.S. There are many Holy books of Ancient India to support all these information.
Fascinating. Hope humanity can turn things around quickly
Great information