
awwwwwww! cosmic yummy truths of incidental observation,

but in the end you will thank them both

makes me want to cry!!! sobbyKitten!!! cries enough he becomes soggykitten! awwwhhwhwwww!


.. THANKS ITCHY .. !!!!!!!!!! - ))

WordS will "NEVER" .. BE .. ABLE to deSCRI(BE) !!! - )))
.. HOW .. YOU .. and, my CONNECTION to STEEM !?!?!?! - ))

... are ... (in)sePar-able !!! - )))

ha ha ... and, i LOOK FORWARD to S(HOW-IN)G YOU !!! - )))
... this ABSOLUTE TRUTH .. as OFTEN as POSSIBLE !! - ))

dang IT ... NOW i'm all .. "mUSh Pi-E" .. TOO !!! - )))
UUUUUuuuuuuuuuhhhHH'G ! - )

ha ha ... i LOVE IT and YOU !! - ))

greb'Z )

ps ... YOU BE .. BE-NT .. TO DAY !! - )))
because .. i'm .. - ))
FEELING THE BURN .. from YESterDAY !! - ))
OUCH !!! .. never felt so GOOD !! - ))

.. dang IT !! - ))

hahaha fuck yeah FUN!!!! RAWRRRRRR!!!

RipplinG !! -))
.. and giggling !! - ))
.. GREAT CO-m-BO !! - ))
ha ha )))))))))))))))))))

This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @itchykitten! For more information, click here!

DeaR Rand-O - ))
... will YOU Pl(EASE) .. stop following that KiTTeN around ?? - ))
YOU are a .. BEAUTIFUL water creature !! - ))
.. and the KiTTeN .. an AMaZING LAND LOVER !! - ))

.. just saying - ))

YOU may .. stART .. MEoWING ?? - ))
.. then what ?? - ))

k(NOW) .. what i'm .. saying ?? -))
ha ha )))

shit, he's on to me.

Me-oW - ))))))))))))))))

Un autre merveilleux texte!! Ton message me fait penser à deux auteurs que j'apprécie beaucoup, Eckart Tolle avec son livre Le Pouvoir du Moment Présent et Don Miguel Ruiz avec Les quatres Accords Toltèques.

Personnelement, je chéri ma vie et j'éprouve de la gratitude pour ma vie à chaque jour qui passe. Je réalise bien que j'ai été un spermatozoide élu :-) !! Ce n'est pas rien!! Je suis la Vie qui vit un de ces multiples visages! Je suis la Vie qui est venue ici offrir une combinaison de talents particuliers, Moi. La Vie qui ce fait un cadeau à Elle-même. C'est pareil pour chacun de nous.

J'essai d'écouter plutôt que de parler. Nous avons 2 oreilles mais 1 seule bouche :-) ! J'essai d'être dans l'acceuil de mes émotions plutôt que dans la réaction. Le moment présent est mon trésor le plus précieux, toute ma vie s'y déroule, c'est pourquoi je veux être présente à chaque instant! il m'arrive encore souvent de me perdre dans mon passé et encore plus souvent dans mon avenir... mais lorsque je m'entends ou que je m'observe être ainsi ailleurs que dans le présent, j'y reviens doucement, sans jugement. Vivre ma vie et acceuillir celle des autres tel quel, sans éprouver le besoin de les changer ni de les juger.
Voilà ce que je voulais partager suite à la lecture de ton post.
Tu as été entendu!

Another wonderful text !! Your message reminds me of two authors whom I greatly appreciate, Eckart Tolle with his book The Power of Now and Don Miguel Ruiz with The Four Toltec Agreements.

Personally, I cherished my life and I feel gratitude for my life every day that passes. I realize that I was an elected sperm :-) !! It's amazing!! I am the Life that lives one of her multiple faces! I am Life who came here to offer a combination of special talents, Me. Life that makes a gift to herself. It is the same for each of us.

I try to listen rather than talk. We have 2 ears but only 1 mouth :-) ! I try to welcome my emotions rather than react to situation. The present moment is my most precious treasure, my whole life is playing there, that's why I want to be present at every moment! I often lose myself in my past and even more often in my future ... but when I hear myself or observe myself being thus in another way than in the present, I return slowly in myself, now, without judgment . To live my life and to welcome that of others as it is, without experiencing the need to change or judge them.
That's what I wanted to share after reading your post.
You have been heard!

WOW .. i FEEL !! so "TICKLED" ... oHHh .. i like IT !! -))

THIS is SUCH a BeautifuL EX-PRESS'iON !! - ))
ha ha .. " the ELECTED SPERM " !! - ))

TO have ..'played' .. a PART .. in THIS EXPRESSION ?? !! - )))
... so good ! - )
SO GOOD !! - ))

i resonate with .. IT SO MUCH !! - ))
.. this 'is' what i was saying !! same same !!
(( like the color of YOUR veggies .&. mia APPROVED !! - ))
HA HA hahahah - ))
... i feel so giggly - ))
.. i like that too - ))

THANKS ALLoT !! - ))
... so MUCH WonderfuL ContributioN - ))))))
... to this PosT TO DAY !!! -)))

wow - )

greb'Z )

Where .. do .. EPIPHANIES & BRILLIANCE & GENIUS .. come from ??Let me know when u find out :))


crazy post !!!

.. thanks ALLoT !! - ))

HOW does .. this post .. make YOU FEEL ?? - ))

its crazy man
i enjoyed a lot

.. thankS YOU @shivakumar !! - ))

YOU are .. "the ONLY" .. "ExperT" .. on YOU !!! - )))

.. in the wHOLE UNIVERSE !! - ))

.. and, the ValuE .. of YOUr UNDERSTANDING .. of YOU !! - ))

THE KEY .. to the MOST VALUE-ABLE .. T(re)A(surE) !!! - )))

LOVE is a FLOW .. open the TAP !! - ))

HeY .. i like this PosT on ChromE !! - ))
HavE YOU SEE(N) .. this PosT on ChromE .. for STEEM ?? - ))
[Extreemit] .. CUT the CLUTTER !! - ))
.. enJOY !! - ))

To some of the seeming impossible question you ask there are answers.. The answers are embodied and barred in the deepest pits. These deepest pits are what we human beings hate and are afraid of most in the world. There is an ancient African saying that expresses what we as human beings need to do.

"Man Know Thy Self!" Author Unknown.

When we reach the bottom of the pit we find ourselves curled up in a ball of pain and suffering. It is when we find ourselves that we realize the hate and fear was the lie we told ourselves. The knowledge of ourselves is the fertilizer that causes an explosion of growth and we transform into the most loving and courageous beings we have the capacity to be. As beautiful and as powerful as we once were hateful and afraid.

I like you unique method for making people focus on your writing. Nice post.

WOW .. that is a BEAUTIFUL reply !!! - )))
.. you've JUST ADDED .. a HEAP of ValuE !! - ))
.. to the idea (message) .. i am trying to CONVEY !!! - )))

THANK YOU .. so MUCH !!!!!!!!! - ))

IMAGINATION .. end-less .. and INFINITE !! - ))
.. for OUR BenefiT !!! - )))
.. or ?? - ((
.. for OUR DetrimenT !! - ((

SO LOVELY .. TO BE .. able .. to ChoosE !!! - )))

ThankS @masoncerritos ... a BIG WOW filled THANKS !! - ))

greb'Z )

.. FaitH "in" YOU - ))))))))))))
.. CLARITY .. is .. CONFIDENCE - )))

I was only describing what you wrote. Is beautiful from many angles and I only shared the perspective I saw. It really is a beautiful post.

.. stop IT ! - ))))))))))))))
ha ha -)))
NO one wants to SEE me CRY ! - )))
.. errrr .. uhmm .. spontaneously drip .. EYE LUBE ! - ))

.. thank YOU - )))

SER(END)ipIT'Y !!!! - ))))
.. tells NO LIES !! - ))
" ... I will like the interactions with people who write post I like and like my post."
.. LOVE-LY TRUTH - )))

Don't forget the last thing I said on that post.

"Don't get mad at me, because I heard that sound of my own head as it came out of my own rear end first."


ha ha .. i have HaD .. the SamE EXPerieNCE !! - ))
.. and, IT surprises me .. each TIME !! - ))

= HOW the HELL .. did .. i manage THAT aGAIN ! - ))

ha ha .. enLIGHTen(me)NT ??? - )))
.. an END-L-ESS PROcESS ???!!??? - ))

DANG IT !!! - )))

ALTHOUGH .. IT, sure "feels" GooD .. to HEAR that .. SOUND !! -))
... and, the k(NOW-IN)G .. that comes with IT !! - ))
ha ha ))))))))))))))

After the initial embarrassment as you realize you should have known better, it does feel good. The lesson for me has always been "don't lie to yourself because you will have to live in it yourself." lol

SO TRUE !!! -)))

.. and, W(HERE) DO the "lies" .. H(iD)E ?? - ))

BE-(((lie)))-FS .. are the thoughts, WE keep THIN-KING - ))

.. THE MOST POWERFUL " L(i.e.)S " !!! - )))
.. are the one's ... WE "tell" OUR SELF - ))

BE'cause ... " ... you will have to live in it yourself." - )))

.. are my BElieFS .. serving me, and, OTHERS ?? - ))
.. or, something .. LESS than THAT ?? - ((

SO MUCH .. FUN.da.MENTAL !!! - )))
...'in'.. the .. ap.PARENT !!! - )))

The hard part about truth is the breaking of the social cultural context that basically puts deceit upon a pedestal. We operate with habits and a huge part of being aware is to learn to operate aware.


HeY .. i LOVE THIS !!! .. VIBRANT !! - ))
.. and TAPPING into .. the SYNCHRO-MYSTICISM !! - ))
with .. @lifes-a-donut

HumMinG BirdS & S(Up)ER HEROES !! - ))

ALL so .. AMaZ(IN)G !!! - )))

... thank YOU !! - ))
... no conjecture HERE !! - ))

YOU are AMaZING !! - ))
.. and, so ARE WE ALL !!!!!!!!!! - ))

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ahhh .. i'm blushing .. ?? me ?? .. come ON ??? - )))
... well .. - )))
... i accept - )

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Lyrical grooves there homie! Me likey! -peaz

I kinda feel likey me catty!!


OH YEAH .. PEACE-FULL !!!!!!!!!!! - ))

PEACE FULL ... what is THIS .. from YESterDAY ??? - )))
"One thing I can tell you is you got to be free" - John Lennon
.. WOW !!! .. and, that SMILE DUDE !!! - ))

B'right ON !! - ))

... did i mention .. I LOVE SURFING !!! - )))
i learned in INDO .. at LAGUNDI BAY .. NIAS !! - ))
" the WOLRD's GreatesT .. RIGHT HAND WAVE" !! - ))
.. well, that's what some SurferS call IT - ))

.. i call it .. a Pi-eCe .. of Hea-veN !! - ))

SURF'S UP !!! - )))

Stop! You're makin' me all jelly! Indo's da dream rights! Heeeyyyohhh!! Shakaaaa bruddah!! 🤙😎🤙

LOVE the ACHE CREW !!! - )))

... i lived for 3 1/2 months !! - ))
.. on .. $ 4 CDN a day .. LIKE A KING !!! - ))
.. about 200 feet in front of these cats - ))

.. PLAYING WITH .. this .. as best i could !! - ))
.. TWICE per DAY .. with naps in BETWEEN - ))

SO .. E(Pi)C !!! - )))

What the WUTTTTT!!! That's SICK bro! OK. When can we pack it up, meet out there, and surf wid dis crew!! Shakaaa brah!! -peaz

OH YeaH .. STEEM SURF TOUR 2018 !!! -)))

... WesT coast of SUMATRA - )))
ha ha ..,. keep in mind (( $ 4 per day = 1990 !!! - ))
SO maybe 27 years of inflation ?? - ))
ha ha )- )))
i'm SURE the BeautY has "appreciated TOO !! - ))

Maybe WE can get that KITTEN on a Board ?? - ))

(( and ... chisel ALL the RUST off of ME !! - ))

ha ha ... surfing "in-land" Canada ??? - )))
??? = just ADD Tequila & OPEN the street tap !! - ))

ha ha - )))))))))

also, this is a dearly epic question....

Can an effective 'speaker' .. BE .. an effective "listener" ???.. at the same time ??

that ones gotta marinate a bit

... and, as the FLAVOR .. s(INK)s .. 'in' - ))

SaY .. 'hi' .. to the LOVE-LY .. thoughts !! - ))
.. and, FEEL (the-iR) .. response !!! - )))
.. ALL 'in' .. and, OVER .. YOUr BODY - ))

INFINITE LOVE .. k(NOW)s .. NO BoundS !! - ))

.. and, has an AMaZING .. 'sense' of HumoR !!! - )))
ha ha )))

Love your post!

ThanK YOU !!! - )))
.. i'm not surprised though !!! - ))

" ... Have fun, call a friend, play with your kids, eat a pizza
.........Because life IS a donut ! Enjoy it !!!!"

OH YEAH !!!!!!!!!! - ))
.. great post !! - ))

.. and WHO doesn't LOVE SPIDER-MAN - )))
.. the WE-B .. SL(in)GeR !! - ))