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RE: THE SUN .. is (( not )) .. HOT !!! - )))

Then .. i MUST have .. infinite .. (AP) .. parents .. ! - )
EqualS .. OppositeS .. BOTH .. (in) LOVE .. w(it)h "me" ! - )

THE .. reCEPTi'VE .. S(OUR)CE .. the D(aRk)Ne'SS - )
H'old(in)'G .. the Ni'GH'T S(K)Y .. TO'get'HER - ))
TO .. unDer-STand ( \ . / )HeR .. O(U)R .. HeRi'Ta'GE .. !? - ))

O(U)R .. infinite .. M'o(t(\H/)e)r .. .. ((( thanks .. m(\O/)m ))) - )) )) ))

.. (a:N:d) .. .. (? D:N:A ?) .. - ))

THE .. C'reATi'VE .. F(O-R-C)E .. the L(i'GH)T - )
S(hi)NN(in)G .. O(U)T .. fr-om .. W-(i'TH)-IN - ))
TO .. O've-R-se'E ( /'\ )H'iM .. Rhy(T)h?m .. rHy(T)Hi'iM .. ?! - ))

O(U)R .. infinite.. F'a(t( / H \ )e)r .. .. ((( thanks .. d( / A \ )d ))) - )) )) ))

IT IS .. TH(e)i'R .. LOV(e)inG .. .. EM\b/R\a/CE - )) ))

TH(e)iR .. LOV(e)inG .. .. /CO\ (O'per(At) i'\ON/) - )) ))

/CA\ (C(.)O) \ON/ .. .. ThaT .. iS .. O(U)R .. EXP(-er_i'e)N'CE - ))

TO .. DAY .. my favorite thin'G .. TO DO - ))

greb'Z )