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RE: YOU are the MOST POWER-FULL BE(i)NG .. in the Un-i-VERSE !!!

SO TRUE !!! -)))

.. and, W(HERE) DO the "lies" .. H(iD)E ?? - ))

BE-(((lie)))-FS .. are the thoughts, WE keep THIN-KING - ))

.. THE MOST POWERFUL " L(i.e.)S " !!! - )))
.. are the one's ... WE "tell" OUR SELF - ))

BE'cause ... " ... you will have to live in it yourself." - )))

.. are my BElieFS .. serving me, and, OTHERS ?? - ))
.. or, something .. LESS than THAT ?? - ((

SO MUCH .. FUN.da.MENTAL !!! - )))
...'in'.. the .. ap.PARENT !!! - )))


The hard part about truth is the breaking of the social cultural context that basically puts deceit upon a pedestal. We operate with habits and a huge part of being aware is to learn to operate aware.
