Why? Because it would prevent from manipulating society and make people understand the Power of Thought, hence the purpose of Life.
The Inner Self Series: It Is Not That We Are In Prison, We Are The Prison!
As long as we expect money to buy freedom and happiness, the hidden hand will continue to prey on society... both are a mind issue that money cannot buy. If a majority could understand that, we'd have a zero-sum game economics, with no losers/winners... a flat economy... regulated by doing what one is passionate about and passion would then become the currency... who'd then need money? If you think this is utopia, then let's indeed prepare for being crushed by dystopia!
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking : Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live our lives pursuing happiness "out there" as if it is a commodity. We have become slaves to our own desires and craving. Happiness isn't something that can be pursued or purchased like a cheap suit. This is Maya, illusion, the endless play of form.
The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration
The Future Is Now: How Can The Processing Of Fear Lead To Peace and Enlightenment |The Awakening Paradox: How To Resolve The Cosmic Abandonment Syndrome |The Inner Self Series: Freedom Is An Inside Job, Coming Out Of The Illusion, Be Your Own Therapist |The Metaphysics Of 'The One Light' In The Perpetually Creating Universe |Personal Responsibility And Love Are All There Is In The Perpetually Creating Universe | The US versus THEM Is The Biggest Con Game In The Perpetually Creating Universe | Is The Mind Hallucinating Reality In The Perpetually Creating Universe? | The Mind And Quest For Truth In The Perpetually Creating Universe | When Conformity Quantifies Happiness. No Illusion Greater Than Fear & Objectivity As Remedy
Sadly money brings power as well and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. I think the best case would be understanding that this greed limits our thought because we are too focused on building wealth rather than building relationships of actual value.
hello and thanks for your comment. The may problem, as I see it, is that monetarism has its own dynamics, one must compete or being left behind.
Money only exists for profit... otherwise it is not needed. Feel free to drop by erathcustodians.net for more input. Have agreat day :)
Complains about money and people who want money....posts articles and begs for money. What a hypocrite.