What is soul harvesting, what are archons, what can we do and how can we prevent it?

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

Soul harvesting is when an entity known as an Archon (aka energy vampire), sets up a system or trap where it can harvest the energy of a pure or innocent soul. Thus feeding itself.

This can be done as literally as it is shown in the above picture taken from the matrix trilogy.
The being keeps the soul alive yet unaware of its entrapment, in a sleep or stasis mode, and feeds of of its oscillating vibration

Soul harvesting can also take other shapes and sizes.
Have you ever heard of a succubus or incubus?

These beings are either male or female energy vampires that suck up your soul to increase their own power, energy, and feed themselves.

Even conventional vampires suck you of your blood: and blood is the essence of life, and so vampires are still archons in a sense because they are feeding off of your life force energy.

The dementors in harry potter are energy vampires.

Energy vampires can also take the shape of any normal being or entity (such as a human) that uses your energy for its own benefit.

An example of this are celebrity handlers in the entertainment industry, and the entertainment industry in itself.

The entertainment industry sucks the very energy and essence out of the celebrity / artist by draining them of their talent and / or extorting them.

In the advent of hip hop, many record labels extort talented rappers by making it seem like they have money: giving them fancy cars and houses, but it is all owned by the record label, and when the celebrity dies, their family is left with nothing.

This isn't always the case, but it does happen.

Another example of so called "soul harvesting" or exsanguination of energy for personal profit or gaining of value, is fear mongering.

Fear mongering is something that is perpetrated by groups of archons and perhaps even the so called "Illuminati" (Group of beings and / or archons with perceived owner ship of planet earth and the human race) because they want to use your fear to create more fear so that they can use it for their own benefit to manifest more fear....this is the perpetual cycle of fear mongering which only helps beings who choose to live in darkness of fear.

When you become fearful, and especially when a large group of humans become fearful, this creates an abundance of fear energy which certain archons feed on.
When we feel a strong sense of fear, almost or exactly every time we are forfeiting our power unto beings who wish to feed off this energy and control us with fear.

This is why the mainstream media creates fake news stories like the Orlando shootings and sandy hook tragedies.

To generate fear which is used for multiple purposes.

Immediately after the 9/11 crisis, thousands of Americans were willing to give up their liberties in order to stop so called "terrorists".

Fear is generated by a cause to create the effect of widespread chaos.

Certain groups create 'ordo ab chao'.

The reason they create order out of chaos is because they can effectively control almost any situation .

But there are also archons who feed off of human fear.

These beings could be classified as demons or shadow people.

They are not of the light, they have turned their back on God and love.

What can we do?

To prevent our souls from slowly being harvested by whichever means, we must trust our own instincts and not subscribe to fear.

We can CHOOSE to see the love in any situation.

We can choose to feel love at any time, for no reason at all other than the fact that it will simply manifest more love, and because feeling good IS good.

We can choose not to succumb to fear by trusting our own innate guidance and intuition about any situation.

We can choose to see the light in all and manifest only light and love into our personal experiences.

Of course, you have the free will to walk down any path you choose; but I HIGHLY suggest you walk the path of love.

Follow your heart and do not repress its desires.

To all the beautiful beings who have read this article.

May your life be blessed with the fruits of your manifest.


Follow @colouredcontent

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victory for the light!

Interesting view, we really manifest our lives - we just have to get conscious that we are doing it.

Yes. That is my point - own your vibration , ideas and space: when you give away your energy you are allowing something to thrive off of that forfeiting of energy toward either fear or whatever else the case may be.

I first heard of these archons from David Icke. And just thinking about how us humans have slaughter houses full of animals for killing and our sustenance. In the same way something that we can't perceive might be doing the same with us humans I feel. To most it sounds crazy, but I bet whatever creature we are about to use for food has no idea up until the last moments. Nice post. I plan on writing about these ethereal "invisible" to our senses, archons also. It is one of my favorite topics.

This post seems prophetic in retrospect. Thanks for the lesson. I was trying to think of the word incubus.