illuminations of ones findings about unusual things that might not be unusual

I've been questioning our existence and purpose since i was twelve when i first committed a sin that my christian upbringing told me i would go to hell for. So i prayed for forgiveness but questioned if that was good enough for long time. I wandered if I was truly forgiven. Besides being scared of going to hell the other problem is I wanted to do the sin again. So i would do the sin again and pray for forgiveness. eventually i came up with the idea i would live my life how i want and just as for forgiveness at the end. Problem with that is you never know when its your time to go. So i began the journey to find answers about what the truth could be. I didn't know it would be a never ending quest. Along the way I've met all sorts of people from all walks of life. the only two things i can positively say is that there is reincarnation and that i know nothing more when i started as i do now about the afterlife. 4 different people have confirmed reincarnation for me. 3 of them had dream of being someone else in a different time one of them could view there past lives through meditiation. I to believe i have been through the reincarnation cycle. When i was a lot younger before i was 10 i'm 30 now I had a dream that has stuck with me all these years.
I was put on my knees and shot in the head. The dream isn't necessarily what stuck with me but the feeling that i got when the bullet entered my head. It felt so real and my body felt empty afterwards. I have talked to a couple of people that have had a similar experience in a dream. Something else that i have experienced when i was younger that i found out im not the only one to experience is the dark figures coming out of the closet. Every now and then several hooded figures would come out of my closet and start towards my bed. Of course i would hide under my covers. when i would look to see where they were the would be standing in a circle around my bed. What they wanted i dont know i thought it was always my imagination till a co worker said they came out of his closet to. Has this happened to anybody else? Do you think it could be something like monsters inc suggests?