Song of Silence

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


Silence is the beginning and the end of everything - and even in the meantime it is always there. Yes, sometimes unrecognized or even pushed away, since silence is also associated with death. Even more so, people seem to believe, that life is all about movement, change. talking and excitement and silence is the opposite and therefore means „not-life“.
We literally get unease when silence sets in.
Just think of a conversation with someone and there are some moments of silence. This is something, that can freak people out.
Immediately questions like „Do we have nothing to talk about anymore?“ or „Is this the end of the conversation or even our relationship?“ arise, doubting the very foundation of our relationship with ourselves and the world. This is deeply rooted in our society.

Even as kids we learn, that silence is a bad thing. Either we are told to shut up, and therefore see silence as a form of punishment or we are about to be punished, when a teacher asks us a question and we can only respond with silence.
Most of the times, also when we grow up, silence is not an appropriate answer to any question. It is even considered to be rude or used in relationships to show our partners, that something really wrong is going on.
This way, it can even be used to blackmail someone emotionally.
Let’s face it: Silence has a very bad reputation and nearly no positive use according to our society.

Silence in spirituality

The only positive approaches to silence, we find in the spiritual and religious traditions of our world. There we are invited to meditate, stay in silence for a certain period of time and use this silent time, to contemplate, pray or converse with the divine.
Even there though, silence has been used to suppress or manipulate other people or - maybe even worse - to shut down inner longings and inner voices. Maybe under some religious cover, nevertheless missing the point and the true meaning of silence.

Some of the greatest spiritual teachers have thought in silence and through the transmission of stillness - one of the best known being Ramana Maharshi. Ramanas primary teaching was stillness, and he would only speak to people, who were not ready yet, to learn from the teaching in silence. Sure, there were many of them and so he kept on talking - otherwise we would have many books with empty pages about him.

Keep quiet - the true meaning of silence

My first teacher on my spiritual path - more than 25 years ago - was Papaji. He was a direct disciple of Ramana and his loving teaching was „Keep quiet.“
This of course didn’t just mean to stop talking with your mouth, but to stop listening to the endless blabber of your personal mind.
Like in meditation, when you learn very early on, that you change your focus from the words in your mind to the silence between them.
In a way, Papaji was teaching how to stay in a constant state of meditation also during your daily life.
This stillness is not seen or „used“ to calm down, relax or reduce stress, as often thought by western teachers. Sure, these may be side effects, but the main reason for befriending the silence in your mind, is to find out who you are. You realize, that this silence is your own true self and that you are silence.

This is a very important point, that makes a huge difference in how you approach silence. It’s not just another tool to relax. It’s way deeper than that. It’s the core of your being and once discovered, it will never leave you again. Silence is your best friend and lover - one, that will never betray you.

Silence is always very peaceful and loving. Actually these are synonyms.
There is no „doing“ in silence. Silence is pure being and nothing is left undone either.

Silence speaks. Silence acts. Silence is.

Since silence is your true inner being, you can talk and act while still being silent inside. Again, this has very little to do with shutting your mouth - even though it might help to do so from time to time.
I personally spend most of my weekends in silence. This is very important to me and is my way to stay in touch with the only reality there is: the peace of God.
Even my articles are written out of a silent knowing and the words are popping up on a blank space, like little children being born out of nothingness every moment.
The white space between and all around the words, is at least as important as the black letters on it. We miss this beautiful fact often.

Silence is another word for peace. It’s the content of our universal mind.
Contrary to the belief, that in the beginning there was the word, it was actually the silence. Silence is eternal - beyond space and time - and without it, life would not be possible.
Silence is the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end.

Silence heals.

Silence is the big healer. If your body is sick, it needs rest to heal.
Sure, you may do lots of things - feeding it medicine - but in the end, without rest, you won’t get healthy again.
Every night we go to sleep, to experience silence, which will replenish us for the next day. It’s a phase, where your body and mind heal in the explicit beauty of pure silence.
If there are lots of things going on in your psyche, it will also need some quite alone time, to sort things out.
This doesn’t mean, that you can only be silent, when you are alone - but for most people, this is really helpful.
If you are blessed with people in your life’s, which whom you can be silent, it can even grow and expand in magnitude. So are the riches and wonders of silence.

Silence is the end of judgement and with that of separation. A silent mind only sees oneness, where the busy mind previously has seen differences.
This is literally a no-brainer. Silence doesn’t do anything in achieving this - it’s forgiving in and by itself.

Forgiveness is still and quietly does nothing; it merely looks and waits and judges not.

May you be blessed by sweet silence.
May your heart know the bliss of stillness.



A few years ago I walked in a forest while it was snowing heavily. And soon there was a huge beautiful layer of snow everywhere. And suddenly I thought that I had become deaf, because I couldn't hear anything. No car noise of a raod a few hundred meters away, no wind in the trees: nothing. I had to snip with my fingers to make sure I'm not deaf. That was an astonishing experience!

That's actually a very beautiful short story! Thanks for sharing! ❤️

How cool! Such experiences give us an opportunity to relate to our perception of reality with a freshness that’s liberating.

I have you on automatic upvote, so I’ll often give your post an upvote days before actually seeing it. (Actually you’ve been postin a lot less recently; I hope it’s because life is just too juicy for being online.)

It’s interesting that just last night I was listening to Adyashanti quote Ramana that those who can learn by listening to the silence should. For everyone else they can study the worship of deities and such.

I made a commitment to myself then that I would spend more time each day just listening. I already do that a lot, as I’m not one for background sounds like radio/TV. But I mean really just sitting an consciously listening to the natural sounds of life living itself all around me.

Great to read your post and tell me what you’re up to sometime.

Oh, thank you so much for your upvotes and the trust in my posts! ❤️
What service do you use for the automatic upvotes? I think, I should use this too!
Well, actually I stick to my routine to only write something, when I really have something of value to say. The rest of the time, I stay in beautiful silence. 😀
I have some article ideas in the silent back of my mind though. They are sitting there like seeds and I wait until they have grown enough to present them to the audience. 😀

Yes, listening is a spiritual discipline on its own. I love to listen - always more than talking. Distractions like TV etc. are very seldom on here - I only watch things in a very focused way and on purpose.
What really enhanced my experience of peace hugely was my decision about 2 years ago, too not watch, listen or read to any news - incl. the internet.
The world could literally be wiped out by an astroid and I'd be the last to notice!
The really good thing with this is, that I didn't miss anything of value and I gained so much more peace. (Ok, maybe I missed the one or other war somewhere, but since I'm no soldier, I couldn't have done anything anyway...)

Thank you @indigoocean for taking the time to read - and please tell me about the automatic upvotes (I have seen this feature somewhere, but forgot where..) - I have some people I'd like to support this way too - and of course, you are one of them! ❤️

There are a couple of services you can use for the upvotes. I use both and

The latter I started using first, and it is the simplest. The former includes a feature for scheduling posts that I haven’t used yet but find intriguing.

You may find that particularly useful if your inspiration to write comes in batches.

Thank you and done! 🙏

Silence is of four kinds:
¶ silence of speech
¶ silence of the eye
¶ silence of the ear
¶ silence of the mind.
Only the last is pure silence and is the most important.

#note:- it's "keep quiet" and not "quite"

That's beautiful! Thank you also for the note 🙏

Silence truly is the end of judgment and the forgiveness itself. Silence is the strongest force of your inner beauty. Beautiful article. You have reminded me how smile can appear with no words. Thank you!

Thank you! Yes indeed - there is lots of beauty in silence. ❤️

What an excellent way to talk about silence. So many people don't understand what that means so this post lays it out beautifully.

Thank you so much! 🙏

I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

I wonder are you a spiritual guru ? I can sense it.. 😋

Thank you @atmosblack

Ha Well, sometimes I also have the impression that I'm some spiritual guru - then I drop this idea as fast as possible. 😀
Seriously, I'm born to live, breath and teach spirituality. That's what I can do best. ❤️

Youre Not just best ...damn best at it.😀 Hoping to see you launching a book one day .. 👍

You're good man. Thumbs Up

I particularly enjoy the moments of silence, even though I have very few; because we are immersed in a very convulsed world, that even in the stillness of your room your own mind makes you noise, after being all day surrounded by so many.
Thank you for this article, for making us understand the importance of silence.

Yes, I think one of the most important kinds of silence is that we achieve when we can listen to the chatter of our own mind without fighting it, and allow it to calm itself naturally. Non-interference and compassion for self allows our natural silence to arise, even if there is actually noise outside us. Trying to manipulate our minds or experience causes noise inside us, even if there is actually silence outside us.

increíble.. gracias por este escrito, me ha hecho estar en silencio unos minutos y meditar en lo que has plasmado acá.. GRACIAS..

incredible .. thank you for this writing, it has made me be silent for a few minutes and meditate on what you have expressed here .. THANK YOU ..

My pleasure! Thank you! 🙏

There is nothing to add, it could have been my words, and in a sense they are! For we are One appearing as many, so we all have the same quintessential wisdom at our core, ready to be channeled when we are ready! ;)

Thanks - yes - someone had to write it. So this time the universe chose me! ❤️

Silence speaks louder than words.
In fact, the long aisle you must trod to self discovery is the quiet garden of silence.
Silence opens you to yourself and opens others to you.
Thanks for sharing, i really enjoyed this

They even say your silence says it all, you are right in what you say we believe that silence is the end of some conversation or of everything, I think that silence is not so bad to be in silence makes us think or reflect it is good sometimes to be in silence

How are you today? I like this that you write today about silence for me to be silent is to be calm and peace also that allows you to listen to others if you talk all the time as you pay attention to others or what life wants to tell you? then silence is not so bad for me silence is peace, you are right sound silence and it makes you think about many things sometimes the noise stuns

Thank you my dear - I'm fine. Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it! 🙏

Love silence. Especially after a busy day. Silence gives so much answers and inspiration to look inside yourself.
Great article.

Silence is golden! Little wonder God tells us to swift to hear but slow to speak..

Increíble!! Gracias por este escrito, me gusta el silencio después de haber tenido un día agotador. Me gusto leerte.

This picture speaks SERENITY....sooo relaxing =)

Silence? What's that? I crank the music 24/7 and am always absorbed by the "blabber in my own mind". It scares me to think of what could be in the silence between my words!

Oh... well maybe I'll give it a shot sometime. It's not like I don't have plenty of time to be silent during my long hours of driving.

Ha! You seriously made me laugh 😀
I guess you are describing the experience most people have...
In the silence between words, nothing happens. Just death. Does this make it more attractive to you? 😉


Well said.
Awareness of the silence within.
Be blessed.

Silence is the source. The latent potential. I loved your article. Thanks!

you have all the reason is what happens with the silence, I think it is bad, we associate it with all the bad, we believe that being silent we are saying that we are not or we are not understanding something I agree with you with the bad reputation that has the silence this is what they teach us but I have seen how they pray, they are in peace, silence is spirituality

I love silence and so glad you wrote that i couldn't have said better myslef

excellent friend You have my support. I hope to count on your support to keep growing. regards

Silence is amazing i never knew you could do much with silence.. Please give me a follow

Indahnya ini gambar saat pagi buta dan masih berembun ya😍 duh manis sekali. Terimakasih atas postingan anda membuat mata saya senang melihatnya😁

Take time to find the calm within. Thank you for the reminder to do so. Its an easily forgettable thing in times when the world seems at odds with itself!