Doesn’t matter on which spiritual path we are or if we think, that we are at none at all, in the end, the only thing that matters is that we live our own true self.
This is already the main problem though, because we have so many mental images, what this „true self“ really is.
If you are coming from a physical perspective, you may believe, we are talking about the physical body. If you are looking through the lens of psychology, you may think it’s about your personality, thoughts and emotions. Esoteric people, think it’s all above, but mainly about energy and if your chakras are spinning in the right direction.
You see, there are many way to look at the topic of a „true self“, and somehow the further we advance down the rabbit hole, the broader the perspective gets - or maybe „multi-faceted“ is the better word for it.
I never was satisfied with any of these explanations.
Even as a teenager, when visiting my first Reiki workshops, I always had the feeling, that the teacher was not telling the whole truth. To be honest, I even thought he was lying and consciously telling me only a tiny part of „The Truth“.
Little did I know, that the teacher himself was also on his path and could only communicate, what he had experienced - finding the words, that were familiar to him for experiences, that were viewed from a certain lens.
I innocently believed, that the term „Master“ meant, that he had already arrived at the end station, that for me meant: Enlightenment.
Oh… This beautiful E-word!
I was fascinated by the word enlightenment alone. It felt magical to me. How does one live, when having arrived at the end all, be all - and I was destined to find out everything under the sun (and not only the sun in our solar system ;)) about what enlightenment really meant.
What followed where years of searching, with lots of confusion, because there were seemingly as many definitions of enlightenment as there were spiritual paths (and people on them).
I mainly approached the topic through the lens of „wisdom“ - yes also through energy work and emotional explorations - but the main driving force for me was, to know what it was all about.
I guess, it wouldn’t have helped much, when back then, someone would have told me, that you reach this „state“ through not-knowingness.
I guess, I’d find this interesting and would then have asked, what I need to know about not-knowing. Funny, in a tragical way…
Remembering who you really are
Fast forward to now (which actually is not a fast forward at all) it all looks totally different. There were two realizations, that stand out on my personal journey:
- You can not become what you already are
- You don’t have to know what you truly are
There are some things, that follow these realizations. One being, that if you can’t become, what you truly are, you also can’t forget it!
Now this comes as a big relief for a spiritual seeker. I always feared, that once I realize my true self, I could somehow, through a mistake of cosmic proportions, lose this realization again.
Many things can happen: You lie down at night as a fully realized being and awake the next day with total amnesia. Bummer…
Or you die and get reborn as an earthworm and totally forgot your true self, crawling through dirt and doing all the earthwormy things, take care of your earthworm family, backing your suitcase each morning to go to work, just to return in the evening and basically having a shitty life.
Horrible scenarios!
If you can’t become what you truly are through physical, psychological or spiritual work and you are your true self anyway, it also is impossible to un-become your true self. So that’s that…
The other realization is even better though. You don’t have to know, what you truly are. There are endless theories about the „what you are“ in the whole universe, but doesn’t matter if you are a male or female, human or starseed, if you are what you are, then knowing it, won’t change a bit.
In Advaita Vedanta (a non dual spiritual path on planet earth), they even say, that what you can know, you can not be.
It’s like the eye (I), that can see the whole world, but never itself. There is much truth in that one alone…
In the end, finding out who you are is not so much about knowing anything at all, or working your way through enlightenment, but to simply re-member - being one with what you are.
The power of claiming your divine birthright
So if you ask me, what I am and force me to tell you through the most advanced methods of torture, I may find a word, that describes it best - and this word is: Light.
I am the Light, the Light I AM! - it doesn’t get any closer to the Truth than that.
Now, this Light does show itself in different forms and expressions.
First as the Divine, then as the multiverse, a Soul, then as an Arcturian, different Starseed aspects and all the way back down to Earth.
Through this pathway, the Light gets denser and I, the Light, have even experienced such density as what is called 3D „reality“.
Don’t ask - this 3D stuff and trying to believe, that I am a „Human“ in a physical body, didn’t work out very well… but this is another story…
There comes a time on your path of remembering (=spirituality) where you have to take a stand. You have to claim your divine birthright!
You have to admit, that you ARE the Light and nothing but the Light.
From that moment on, every archangel and every being/form in every universe and dimension are just manifestations of your own Light.
They are you in different forms. They are not higher beings, that are standing above you, but are only manifestations of your own Light as the Light. „Only“ is the wrong word here, because they are not lower either.
They are you. Period.
You are born as the eternal Light and you will be this Light forever.
„In the beginning there was the Light“
The fineprint reads: „…and since then, nothing really happened!“
You are the One, since there are not many „Lights“.
This, my friends, is the highest truth in all of existence and the true meaning of En-LIGHT-enment.
Blessings and until the next time,
I resonate strongly with much of this, especially the clarity about knowing who/what one is versus simply being it without any mental stories about what one is being. That's a key lesson for those of us who can be a little hyper intellectual at times. But as you say, the eye that is seeing cannot see itself.
The only thing I would add that may be a different take than yours is the idea that we are ONLY light. I believe that in the realm of duality we are light emerging out of darkness. That darkness is the void of pure potential, Source. As Source comes into the realm of being it takes the form of light.
It's an important distinction because so much of our woe in life is our rejection of the dark aspect of life. And by this I don't mean the shadow, the negative, etc. I mean the purely positive, purely perfect void. The absence. The stillness that has not yet taken form. It terrifies us, so we deny it and want to only focus on it once it begins to take form as light.
The light aspect of our being is of course very important too. It is afterall the game we're playing here! We came to bring the light of our being into the world, and contribute a new facet of the prism. But our roots, our power, lies in our ability to also embrace the emptiness of the dark.
I once has a mystical experience related to this I'll write about some other time.
I love that you bring up the topic of darkness. I also think, that shadow work is important - at least until you reach a point, where you leave duality and the 3D/4D realm all together.
I sense, that this a much deeper topic and I'll need to write about this in a future article. I guess, we both have found a new topic to write about 😀
Thank you for your support, reading and commenting in such an authentic and comprehensive way. Much Love! ❤️
Yes, within duality these concepts arise. I do want to draw a keen distinction between what I'm talking about and "shadow work." I think what people mean when they say that is embrace of the negative, of what is unwanted, of the bad, if you will. That is the opposite of what I mean.
That is still putting a personality to the dark, still giving it a "color" of its own. It has none. It is none. It is the absence of what has been given form, not just another form to be embraced. It is the void from which we emerge as the pulse of light, again and again.
It is not 'yin and yang,' which is an important duality concept in its own right. The Dark is that which comes before duality, except when we relate to it through time, because we are that empty, formless, infinite potential expressing itself in time. That is when we are light emerging as form. And then we center again in that which is before light, before form.
So we experience this as happening in time because we are coming from a dualistic awareness. But it is not defined by how we experience it.
Thank you for your wonderful comment and explaining what you mean. Last year, I wrote an article about Kali, the dark mother and void aspect (in German - I maybe should translate it or at least parts into English in the future). I have had many visits by the dark mother in my life...
The dialogue we have here is ancient in a way. What is "the first principle"? Is it darkness or the light?
Kali and Shiva "discussed" this a long time ago 😉Shiva, as the unmovable embodyment of divine light and consciousness was sitting on his mountain in meditation and Kali was disturbing his peace by devouring the world. A questionable hobby if you ask me... maybe it was some form of hormonal unbalance or her husband forgot to bring out the trash. Anyway...
Humor was not one of Shivas strengths, or he was simply pissed about the trash thing. So what followed was a war. I guess, you have heard about this story and I want to spare you the bloody details...
Below you can see a picture, Kali posted on her Instagram the day the battle was over...
@atmosblack I am trying to write a comment from past 10 mins, but I guess I don't know anything now. LOL! May there be more light in the world. Peace! Cheers!
That's beautiful and an expected result! 😀
Thank you! 🙏
A difficult & necessary reminder, my friend. Once we recognize our own divinity, we must try to change our lives to honor this great, sweet burden.
Stay blessed ✨🙏🏼💫
Thank you! Yes, and on the other hand, once this realization of our own being as the divine light is so unshakable, our life and our reality has no other chance as to go in sync with this energy.
It's all about frequency and resonance. This doesn't mean, that we can create everything (or anything at all) - simply for the fact, that everything is already created - but that we tune into the frequency of what is already created.
God created the universe in 6 days, and then he was done - resting.
We, my friend, are on day 7. Everyday is Sun-day.
And yes - let our lives be the proof of our realization. The tricky point with this is though, that "our lives" can't be seen from the outside, but this is a whole other story... 🙏❤️
To live in sync/tune is, indeed, a noble life goal--to bring the inner in harmony with the outer. Thanks, for sharing your thoughts <3
In the words of someone wise (I forget who)
A dog does not try to be a dog..
I was thinking youve been a bit quiet so i'd head over to see that you've been sharing, and yet again another great quality post!
bist du deutsch?! because you said you wrote something in german :) Anyway hope you had a refreshing break!
Ha I also thought the same about you. I'll come over in a moment to check out what you have been up to lately! I'm Austrian btw 😀
ah cool! (I also would never admit to being german hahahaha) (english humour!)
Still havent been to Austria yet but surely will someday!
I think that, in order to live truly to ourselves and become enLIGHTened, we need to relax, stop struggling, stop trying so hard, stop manipulating things and people (including ourselves) to try to get or become what we want.
Once we become accustomed to stop doing so much (letting go) and just being for a while (live the moment), we can live a much happier life, go for pleasures, and feel better.
I would like to add something to the two realizations that you have mentioned: you can not know what you truly are because what you are can not be defined. All you have to do is accept and enjoy that you are.
I see that we like some similar topics, I'm following you!
Thank you! 🙏 I follow you too now!
Great write up, it's all about remembering who and what we are, not changing ourselves.
I've been reading those Paul selig books and they are money
The books are money? Have you tried converting them into ♨? 😀
I haven't found resonance with Paul Selig somehow...Thank you @jakeybrown! 🙏
Bahaha I should try converting them to cold hard crypto...
Interesting, I have found myself improving in understanding and always able to follow along with what he writes. But I'm sure it won't appeal to everyone. When I get a chance I have some bigger articles to write up, discussing those books will be one of them, gene keys another.
Yeah, please do that! Paul Selig is a frequent guest at different talk shows I'm listening to (like Beyond the Ordinary etc), so I've heard about him several times, but never found out, what his unique take is or what he is channeling exactly. I guess, you have many topics to write about now 😀
I know, I need to write them all down and crank them out one by one haha, I was going to try to do my four main gene keys as well... I guess the message of the books is fairly similar to most other spiritual teachings: being what you already are, but it describes in new verbage what we actually are and how to embody our true selves. I haven't read his earlier work but these latest books have been working for me. I'll get into it in the article, vacation is almost over, then I'll have more time to write.
Always a great read. I love visiting your posts for clarity!
Thank you, my dear! 🙏I'm glad it helps!
Beautiful topic!!!!
I also believe that if you want to be an enlightened person, you should consciously reduce your attachment to material comforts and create your life how you want it.
Keep your chakras shining! xxAnother good post @atmosblack
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Beautiful topic I like your post thanks for sharing your excellent post
good post
We are all trained to become beings of light, we are the perfect creation of a perfect being. Very good this type of publications, to remind us that we are and what we can achieve.
Waiting for your new publications.
This talk of lite sounds like the philosophy of Alice A. Baily and Madam Blavatsky. Dangerous stuff.
I've never read anything by them, but if this is dangerous, the question is for whom or what?
Alice A. Bailey and Blavatsky write a lot of "light" in the context of Lucifer being the "light bearer' or the "fallen star" who willingly gave himself to reveal light to mankind. If seen in the right esoteric way, Lucifer is our friend because he revealed to us full knowledge. They are Luciferians and in short...they worship Lucifer as the name suggests. They have a publishing house which is actually based out of the UN headquarters. Used to be called "Lucifer Trusts Publishing" but they changed it to "Lucifer Trust Publishing" instead.
Why it's bad? Well...I hope that parts obvious by now.
Also, not saying that you're a Luciferean....just reminded me of their language.
Yeah, I heard of them, but I never read anything, because of their antique language, that doesn't resonate with me.
I don't fear Lucifer, since I live in a universe, where there is only God.
In a universe, where there is only God, there is no possibility for fear or separation. This is heaven and even Lucifer is welcome here.
True self is invisible to the eye. It is in the stillness of the mind that you see your true self. Stillness can be achieved by giving up desires or by controlling breath. Choose whichever you like.
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