Slaying spiritual misconceptions - Root your ass in Mother Earth, embrace your Ego and Shadow

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Okay peeps, I'm here to slay some dragons and in this case dragons being some spiritual misconceptions about what it means to be enlightened and what it really looks like.


There are a lot of people out there desperately trying to transcend their mind and body. There are people claiming that having an Ego is your biggest enemy and you should fight it. There are people in denial about anything and everything that feels bad or is "low vibration".
Time to get some things straight.


  • Your body and mind are not your enemies.

These are tools and instruments given to you for you to use it. You don't want to transcend your mind and body and rejoin the spirits in their realm because THAT IS WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND YOUR SPIRIT IS STILL THERE. :D You are simultaneously at all planes of existence as you are a multidimensional being of Light. And as you know, Light is a spectrum.
You are merely a projection of your Higher Self (still floating in the Spirit Realm) and you came here to USE your body and mind to accomplish great things here, experience the bliss of life, go through darkness and still find light, grow and learn from this vast spectrum called life.
What you want to do with your mind, body and Spirit, is ALIGN them so that you are "in tune" with your purpose, your joy, your wants, needs and desires. Your body is not "low vibration". Your body is the most beautiful instrument not yet understood and mastered. Your mind while, yes, works as a limitation (and for very good reasons, being that your brain is not capable of processing the amount of data of the vast existence), it is a great tool to imagine, dream, set goals, think, learn, process, experience emotions, feelings, the beauty of all that is and so on.


  • You cannot be alive and not have an Ego.

Let's re-define what Ego means because I feel like it is the definition that is tripping people up.
Ego simply is a unique perspective of Source consciousness, merely a lens that the Source is looking through. It has chosen to experience life this way - from an angle that is only available to this temporarily limited and unique perspective. It's an angle that only exists once in this vast existence. Why not try to embrace it instead of resisting it? I am in no way saying you should stay within limitations you currently have. This lens (Ego) is very stretchable and growth oriented. It is malleable and ever evolving into something fresh, something new, something exciting. A lot of people have experienced a phenomena called the "Ego death" where everything you thought you were and everything that was close to you starts fading. You blend in with the Universe, you experience Oneness. You no longer know where you start and where you end as there is no beginning, no ending, no edges to your Being. You recognize that everything is you and you are everything. But then you come back within your body and now you have to integrate your new experience into your every day life. But it does not mean you have lost your Ego or that now you should fight it and get back to that experience. You simply joined your Soul's perspective that is still there, available, always having that perspective, from which you made a decision to play a game of having a temporary limited perception - you chose to have an Ego. Embrace it and make the best out of your unique standpoint in this Universe. There is only one of you.


  • Being in denial of the shadow only makes it darker.

Have you ever met one of those people who are desperately avoiding anything and everything that is "low vibration, negative and feels bad" in order to keep their "high vibe" that will keep attracting only good feeling life experiences? I have and I have also been one of those people (let's all laugh out loud). So I get it.
But the truth is that even if you are in denial and avoidance of anything that feels bad, it is still there. And another truth - it is much darker without the light of conscious awareness and is running your life without you even knowing about it.
We must acknowledge our shadows in order to transform them. We must sit with our pain, our fear, our desperation, hopelessness or whatever it may be to each individual and collectively. We must embrace these aspects of ourselves as they are there for very valid reasons. We must love them back to wholeness. And interestingly enough - if we share these aspects of ourselves with others in a safe and supportive environment, they can be integrated and they don't feel as bad anymore. As Teal Swan has said: "The real hell on earth is not being in pain. The real hell on earth is being in pain alone."

If you liked this article and would like me to slay some more spiritual misconceptions or you have any questions, please comment below. I will gladly interact with you.

I hope you found this useful and I wish you an amazing day,
see you in my next post!
All the love,
Annija xx


Photo credits:

  1. Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash
  2. Photo by Iván Tejero on Unsplash
  3. Photo by Daniil Avilov on Unsplash
  4. Photo by Peyman Naderi on Unsplash
  5. Photo by myself.

Thanks for the fine post, with some great ideas and observations. Some of us might tend to believe that our body, our mind, the world, and such are our enemies.

But as you say, they are tools that we can use for whatever purpose we need them. And as you imply in the following sentence, we are already where we are trying to get to.

Some masters call it "home." We erroneously believe that we are on a path leading to some transcendent ideal, but they say that all we have to do is find that we are "at home," and all we have to do is "be at home."

Keep slaying those dragons.

Thanks, man! Nice to have a reader that pays attention to detail! And couldn't agree more to the "being at home" part.

Right. And it would be great to be able to always feel at home. Let's try to realize that we are at home. All the time and everywhere.