There are things in this Universe that are simply beautiful and divine.
They awaken our soulfullness, serve the highest good of all, and make this world a better place.
They feel so right in the Heart.
- Kindness
- Compassion
- Integrity
- Caring
- Empathy
- Ahimsa - non harming/non violence towards all living beings
- Staying centered
- Learning and working on your Self
- Meditating
- Fasting
- Moving
- Creating
- Uplifting & giving energy to others short - anything that aligns us with Universal Laws empowers us and makes us a part of the Creation/Vortex/God
(whatever word feels good to you to describe the indescribable).
In yoga philosophy we call those things sattvic, they carry quality of truth and light. They serve us all!
On the other hand, there are other things that make this world gloomy and depressing.
They don't serve the highest good, and don't feel right in the Heart.
- cruelty
- absence of self control
- lack of integrity
- gossiping and judging
- thinking and talking shite
- consuming flesh of other sentient beings
- drinking alcohol and Indulging (numbing our cosmic intelligence)
- engaging in inappropriate physical contacts
- supporting victimhood and abuse
- stealing energy from others
- putting people down
- dillusion
- chaos short - anything that is not in alignment with Universal Laws dis-empowers us, separating us from the Creation/Vortex/God (whatever word is yours).
In yoga philosophy these things called tamasic, they carry quality of ignorance and darkness.
They lower our vibration and push humanity deeper into a state of cosmic amnesia and sleep.
We all know by now that the current system set up influenced our collective state of consciousness through it's external programming, yet we are still in a position to choose what side we are on.
I want You to know that Universe wants us - You and me - on her side!
We are all luminous ETERNAL beings playing human for a while. We are Spirits, we are creative forces, we are Energy in motion.
We do have a choice here.
We all without exception will leave a vibrational Imprint in the Universe.
What imprint it will be - is entirely up to us.
Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator. Inspirer.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.
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Thank you @contentvoter. Delighted to connect.
We all human beings are interconnected with our subconscious mind. We can send and recieve messages via it. Our mind is like a iceberg where 90% consist of subconscious mind and rest of 10 % only our conscious mind. Means we have 90% hidden power to utilize.