Best Self-Talk Any of us Can Have

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


We know that we live in a vibrational reality.
We have learned that what we choose to do, eat, think and believe in has a profound effect on how we experience this cute little thing called SELF.

Many of us are willing to grasp the deeper meaning of being alive at such spectacular times of transformation, we desire to EVOLVE with every fiber of our being.
How we talk to our Self, what we seed within determines our experience of SELF more than anything else. We could eat the right foods, we could detox and exercise our physical muscles, and still miss the point if we dont train the main muscle of our being - AWARENESS.


When our personal evolution matters to us more than anything - we operate on a different frequency, we remain fluid and ever-expanding, we blend in with INFINITE INTELLIGENCE.
When we take time to check on our SELF and to update our vibrational software - we grow and change.... and that is the best gift we can offer to our Self... and to the world we live in.


There is so much to realize here.
There is so much to enJOY.

Here is a suggested self-talk that might help if You are on the path of awakening and personal growth still looking for tools that work for you.
Sitting down quietly somewhere where we are not disturbed by the external world and just breathing and soothing Self can be easily the best self-healing tool there is.


  • I love BEING me.

  • I enjoy being AWARE.

  • I am right where I am meant to be.

  • I like this feeling of being ALIVE at such majestic times of TRANSFORMATION.

  • I like having this physical form, this human suit - Body. I like knowing that it responds to what I offer to it, to how I treat it. I love my Body.


  • I enjoy knowing that I can choose my thoughts in the same way as I choose my clothes. "This one fits, this one does not." I like how empowering this knowing feels.

  • I love knowing that the same force that created worlds has created me. It pleases me to remember that I am a SPIRIT, that my eternity is inevitable.

  • I enjoy my ability to change and focus.

  • I love witnessing my expansion.

  • I like CLARITY. I like JOY. I like FUN.

  • I like being at peace with my past experiences, I have learned to LOVE my SELF more.

  • I enjoy remembering more and more of who I am and why I came here.

  • I love being AWARE and being ALIVE.


Enjoy. Breath. Let your Self Be!

Anna Suvorova.

WellBeing Guide. Author.
Dreamer of a better world for all.


Nice blog