I've run into a few of these kind of people. They want you to be part of their group, but they run the show...if you disagree with them about someone on their shit list, all of a sudden you're on their shit list too.
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I’ve encountered this recently too!
Which is difficult when your magickal social circle gets larger. The larger the circle, the better the chances of finding people who will have conflict with each other.
I feel that it’s toxic to try to micromanage your friends, telling them who they can and can’t hang out with for petty reasons or without letting them decide for themselves.
This can be straightforward as in “I don’t like X so you shouldn’t either!”
But it can also be a little more sneaky, by telling lies about someone behind their backs.
LOL yea alot of male pepole in the witchcraft community are like that think they know it all n shit.... are so fuckiing knolwedgeable on witchcraft just cause they got some silly piece of paper on there wall from some school meanwhile im over hear doing shit they think is impossible why cause i realise its possible and played around with remebering that its real in my dreams first enough and got a trigger 2 activate it while awake. but yea i mean u know ur god itself its really easy 2 let it go 2 ur physical ego miind but eh that can be fun 2
dats why i stoped even barely going 2 my local druid /earth based group fuckers couldnt even have a rational chat with the shit they say they believe in like doing magic which i actually do fuck being afraid of nothing that and ive begun meeting alot of the beings they say they want 2 believe exist just cause i beelieve in them u dont need 2 fucking wait 2 believe in ur dreams just shift urself 2 the reality u prefereE!