Haha, no racism! I also had contact to one many years ago but he/she/it (😃) was only mumbling something like "Beep, beep, beep", but it was a good-hearted Zeta because he/she it then followed up with making me feel why I seem to judge it by its looks. We'll, I didn't judge it, I was just absolutely unfamiliar to his/her/its looks. In another instance I glimpsed into a time line on Earth where Zetas live with Humans together. And what I saw was that they adopted Human behaviors. One ate popcorn in front of the TV and the other drove a car. 😶
I'll better get used to it. Next life I'll visit a planet where Zeta is one of the races living there.☺
Seems reasonable and I even get the popcorn part, but this "watching TV" sounds a little bit too sci-fi to me! 😀
There is nothing that doesn't exist in infinite time lines within infinite Universes. ;)