You are eventually seeing and reaffirming within You that you don’t have to be what you thought you should, you don’t have to become who you were taught.
You have the Power to create paths. You have a Gift ~ it is of Being and Leading the way for new types of lives.
Lives where we do what we are inspired or called to, what brings joy. Where we can aim for our truth, be the calling. Lives, where dreams become.
Where we can stand up for what we believe is right, where we don’t have to play whatever forced role or script of a time.
Where we are strong enough to do what we want to ~ and so we can refuse to participate in what lacks meaning, justice. What is not of transparency, of honest integrity.
Where we don’t trade our time and energy for money, titles and pride ~ unconsciously.
Where we reclaim our power from that framework of the inescapable, unavoidable lives shaped by a few. By those who have defined, gathered and accumulated riches and power by annihilating other ways - by using authority to show or prove that there was only one path.
Lives, where we believe in ourselves enough to stand up, and out, for what we want to live and experience and be ~ the aligned life.
You’ve done the work... Expansion and Rewards are now unavoidable.
Trust Yourself. Walk in ultimate knowing.