Staying in a state of child like wonder and innocence is really the way to enjoy life and savor all the glory around us.
We have been taught so falsely to grow up and be tough and harden up, and we quickly lose all our ability to enjoy the magic around us, hiding behind our walls of protection and masks and fears.
Like a prince locked up in a high tower in his kingdom, while outside green fields, rivers, mountains, glorious lands and all manner of wonders lie unexplored while he hides.
Children are so in awe of life. A bird on a tree, a caterpillar on the path, a rock...the simple things fill them with such wonder and excitement. We are never to lose this ~ we are to be eternal children.
This is what Jesus meant when he said the kingdom of heaven belongs to children. Only the childlike can savor the heaven within and around...Coz, their eyes of wonder and curiosity are open. There is no fear of risk and cynicism. Just wide eyed wonder and faith
How do we regain this Lost innocence, it's not really lost it's within all of us.
The child in all of us isnt gone, just frustrated and repressed by all the lies we have believed and walls we have erected.
The key is in surrendering to Love once again...Allowing love to be our dance partner through life and chosing love over fear every day, living from within. 😇